Question From Chris & Update

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Christina L

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2003
Estes Park, Colorado
This is Wayne writing for Chris in Cleveland: 3rd day after surgery, one setback this morning. They came in to remove the pacemaker wires this morning (that's what they do on the 3rd day according to schedule) and said the heart wasn't "sensing" properly, so they left them in. Her cardiologist assured her that it was a very small chance she would need a pacemaker for the rest of her life, but she is worried about it now.

2 questions: Has anyone had the experience of not having the pacemaker wires removed on the 3rd day after surgery, ie a delay? Is that a big concern, or does it sometimes just take a little longer?

Secondly, worst case scenario of course!!!!, but what is it like to have a pacemaker?

Chris will probably be feeling good enough to get on the computer and check replies later today. Thanks again for your well-wishes!
First off, it's only day 3 and a heart does not care what a printed schedule says, it will do it's thing any way it pleases. It is totally possible that the heart is still going through shock and just doesn't like itself yet. Not uncommon to be on the pacemaker longer then the schedule. There are times when the pacemaker must remain, but that is in a very small portion of people. I'd have to leave the actual pacemaker questions to those who have them. Be patient, it's Sunday and not a lot of them are on today. :)

Wayne, tell her to stop worrying. She needs to calm down and bring peace to herself to help with the healing. Time is on her side and she may need a little more before things start firing right.

Is she up to a phone call yet???
Day three.........

Day three.........

Seems to me that's kinda early for removing the pacer wires. I had mine until the day before I went home........which was 6 days after surgery. Oh, and I never had any 'electrical' problems post surgery in the hospital.

I'll jump on Ye Ol' Magnesium Soapbox' once again and share with you my good experiences with magnesium -- a 'natural' remedy for short-circuits in the heart... :p

You're just taking off the runway fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride.

PS. I Just read below where a little 'turbulence' has surfaced. Gosh, sure hope things smooth out soon...
Joe has a pacemaker. He doesn't pay any attention to it. It's there when he needs it and is his safety net. It's probably saved his life a couple of times, although he doesn't use it very much. His was implanted for bradycardia, slow heart beats. His is in a location which would be a problem for a woman because it is right where a bra strap would be. So if Chris needs one, have her discuss the pocket placement with the surgeon.

I agree with Ross, it's way too early to tell if the heart is just swollen and irritated, and not sensing things very well, or whether this is a permanent condition.
I was just on the phone with Wayne and they moved her back down to ICU for observation. Chris is upset of course. She wanted things to go picture perfect and according to schedule, but her heart doesn't see it that way just yet. Please post your words of encouragement and experience with these things.
Hi Chris-

Sorry to hear that you're back in ICU, two steps ahead and one step back. It's disappointing. But your doctors will get everything taken care of and once you get those pesky things straightened out, you'll be making up for lost time.

They can monitor you so well in ICU and the nursing care is superb.

So, hang in there and try not to get too upset. These things sometimes happen. Everything will be handled.

God bless, we're all thinking of you and waiting for your first post.
Hang in there, Chris! We are rooting for you! Although this is a setback, keep your positive outlook going - it is the strongest ally you have right now!

We are sending lots of prayers and good thoughts your way.

fighting team

fighting team

We are with you Chris!
The other end of that wire will be there to control things if necessary. Its your weapon against the bad news guys.

I would look at going to ICU as a step toward fighting any adversary that appears on the scene. This close monitering is your caregivers ready to keep you well.

Your young healthy and strong---you have Dr. Cosgrove and his team working for you, so your doing all things right. I'm believing that this is a bump in the road that will be behind you. my thoughts continue to be with you
Hang in there Chris!!! Everyone is different and their bodies react to this type of big surgery in different ways. I don't think there is any such thing as a "text book case". You are writing your own text book, so be patient and confident that you are in great hands.

Thinking of and praying for you.



I had the same problem after surgery with the electrical system. 4 days after the surgery I kinda passed out in the bathroom and they were there with the crash cart. 5 seconds in between beats. The pacemkaer kept kicking in even set at 30 beats a minute. As soon as the digoxin was out of my system, it started getting better. Was in the hospital for 11 days. They couldn't make up their mind if they would have to put in a pacemaker or not. They took it out 1 day before I went home. Hope this helps and she is feeling better.
Chris and Wayne,
Just hang in there. It all just takes time and our bodies all don't heal the same. Chris, take this time and just rest and relax. If there is anything I can do for you back here in Colorado just let me know. You both are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Hi Chris & Wayne,
Glad to hear the surgery went well, sorry to hear that you are having a snag along the way. Since the mitral valve is closer to your hearts natural pacemaker maybe the area is still just recuping from the repair? Don't let it get you down. You are at the best hospital in the country and have one of the best Dr taking care of you. Sending good thoughts your way.
hang in there

hang in there

chris,evn though I havent had my open heart surgery,I have had many ablations to be able to tell you about those pesky arrythmias.This is what they told me of course dont be overly worried because that adds more stress to your heart and your rate ,also it can take up to two weeks for rythems to be restored to normal,they explained to me that there is much trauma by working in the heart and swelling takes place and rythems will continue until the swelling goes down,think like this :you know when you sprain an ankle or a knee there is always swelling and inflamation and in time it goes down,so will the heart your in good hands.I have had that pesky external pacemaker and although it is annoying{iam chlosterphopic around the neck so it was not pleasent for me,but I dealt with it}just give it time like others have said and try to focus on the best news,you got a repair and that it the best we can hope for so just look at this as a kick in the pants for being lucky to get a repair.
I do have a pacemaker but after many ablations and trials with medicine and many temparily external pacemaker,give yourself time and if you feel you really still want to know about a pacemaker I will be glad to answer any questions but believe me if it came to that its not a huge deal to get it in,they just create a pocket and whala its in{of coarse a little more than that but I promise not bad>Getting my wisdom teeth out was ten times worse,keep your head up,smile alot,breathe in your nose "the sun is warm"breathe out your mouth"the grass is green"this really helps to calm you down and try to visualize your rythems stabalizing.Hope to hear from you soon,things will get better!
I'm sure you'll be ok...

I'm sure you'll be ok...

I had a mitral repair also.. and remained on the pacemaker for a few days.

I was told that it is very common with mitral valve surgeries, because the heart's natural pacemaker is very near the mitral valve and it might just take a few days to get back to normal.
Mine ended up being fine.

Like Ross said, your heart doesn't necessarily run on schedule, but I know how frustrating it is when things don't go according to plan. I was told 4-5 days and ended up in the hospital for 8, just because of a few minor setbacks. It would have helped me if the Drs. would have told me that it might be longer.... but I was counting on the 4-5 day thing.
All thoughts are with you, as evident by everyone's posts! Hang in there....this too shall pass!
I'm sorry

I'm sorry

that recovery is problemmatical. I had a boss who would describe this as a "little bump in the road". I always wanted to take a swing at him when he said it. All I could think of when I was in the hospital was getting out. So Chris, I feel great sympathy for you. Will say a prayer and think good thoughts and cross my fingers and toes that this passes as it does for most of us.

Just hang in there, girl, and do your meditation and breathe and walk and listen to tapes and watch silly shows. You'll really really do fine. After all, we're all there with you . . .

Wayne, you hang in there too - make sure you get plenty of rest because you need to be in good shape for her when she gets out. :)
You're so pretty, it's no wonder they want to observe you some more. Just smile........

Hope things begin to perk up right quick for you. You are being thought of by so many, including me. God bless Ann
Just got off the phone with Wayne - he said that Chris was still in ICU but doing better today, now that the shock of having something go wrong is starting to wear off - always yucky. No word on whether or not she will have to have a pacemaker. Her heart is "sensing" better today, but the verdict is still out. She was still in ICU when I spoke with Wayne, but will be moved out tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest.

Keep the prayers and good vibes coming (. . .I think they just might be working. . . :) )
Hey Melissa,
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear Chris is doing better.
I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
I know their schedule says 3 days for removal of the pacer wires, but I've known a few people that have had them 6 days and longer. I'm pretty sure mine were in for over 10, but I can't tell for sure since they had me in a vegetable stew with the Ativan drip.

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