Question after long absence

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Mary Ann

I have been absent for a number of months, having had a MVR in December 2000. I am blessed to be feeling great and working hard. I feel presumptious about asking a question after being scarce for so long, but know this is the place and ask for your indulgence. Has anyone lost your St. Jude Valve ID Card? My billfold was lost/stolen last week and this is one thing I really do not know how to replace. I would appreciate any suggestions on getting it done. Thanks in advance and hello to everyone!!--Mary Ann:confused:
I would call your surgeon's office and get the information for the model number and size, etc. for your valve. He should have it on file. Then when you have that info. call St. Jude and they will probably be able to help you.

Good luck.
Hi Mary Ann

I've just received my "Patient Identification Card", and here is the information on it.

There is an 800 number on the front: 1-800-344-5833

On the back:

St. Jude Medical
One Lillehei Plaza
St. Paul, MN 55117-1799 U.S.A.

The return address on the envelope mentioned "device tracking," but I've since thrown the envelope out.

Hope this helps.
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Thanks very much

Thanks very much

Nancy and Johnny, thanks so much for offering suggestions. I did call the 800 number today and a new card is on the way. I have my Medic Alert bracelet and will put a typed copy of the information in my billfold in the meantime, but I really like having that trusty "official" card. I am just about to bounce back from having lost my billfold, which takes quite a bit of doing to replace everything. Thanks also for taking time to respond. I felt bad about asking for help after being inactive for so long. Thanks again!