Q: regarding the window of oppty - and a little vent

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Boulder, CO
Last week looked soooo good. After dealing with health care beauracracy for over a month, it looked like things were *finally* moving forward. The surgeon I spoke with last week was the first to really listen to the symptoms that developed between when my tests were last taken (on 6/4) and when I met with him (on 7/10). Prior to that, docs were just looking at my test results and saying that I was *fine*. Gosh, I sure didn't feel fine.

Upon hearing my symptoms, the surgeon changed the timeframe for my surgery from 2 months to 2 weeks - slightly alarming - and made a recommendation that I go to Cleveland for the surgery.

Everything looked set to go until Saturday, when I got a Notice of Non-Coverage in the mail. The referral to go to Cleveland had been denied. Of course it came on Saturday. . .and nothing could be done until Monday. . .tick, tick, tick.

On Monday, I was told to put it through an expedited appeals process, which would take 72 hours. That put me at Thursday - a week into the two week timeframe.

On Tuesday, I called the HMO cardiologist to ask about how firm the two-week timeframe was. Was it really more like 2 weeks to a month, what was his opinion, etc.? Before I could even get the question completed, the cardiologist's nurse starts FLIPPING OUT! She hears me say two weeks, and in a very short tone says that SHE never head anything about two weeks, and if I want to keep insisting that my surgery is this imminent, then I need to go back to the heart surgeon and get him to say so (evidently, he forgot to write the timeframe in his surgical notes :( ). In an amazingly nasty tone, she continues on her tirade and states that she doesn't understand why I keep calling her for help when I am not a patient of the cardiologist she represents and he has never seen me. I try to explain that since he is now the cardiologist making decisions about my future care, he does have some accountability to my case, even if we have only spoken on the phone a few times.

At this point, I am in shock, and close to tears, not believing I have to defend myself in this manner just to get a simple question answered. I try to rewind the conversation and restate my questions, but again, as soon as this nurse hears two weeks, she flips out and angrily states, "if you had only two weeks to live, you would be in a hospital. If you think you are going to die in the next two weeks, then go to the hospital now." Unbelievable.

A complete wreck, I call up a friend to follow up with the surgeon re: the two weeks, and call back the nurse to communicate my frustration at her conduct. The surgeon was on vacation until next week and his nurse didn't know anything about two weeks (again, lack on notation in the notes). BUT since my friend was at the meeting and was able to corroborate hearing "2 weeks," my story seemed to gain some credibility.

She called the cardiologist's nurse back, who paged the cardiologist, who told me not to worry, that if I could be patient for a couple of days, my appeal would most likey be resolved in my favor. :confused:

This was nice to hear, but my original question of how critical the two week timeframe was went unanswered. . . I know at some point, the heart sustains irreversable damage, and because my symptoms have increased at such a rapid clip over the past month, I am worried about this. Anyone have any experience with where the cutoff exists and how one knows the "window" is closing?
If I had a penny for every rude nurse or secretary out there, I'd be a very rich man. No one deserves to be treated like that for any reason, but it happens to me all the time too. I got really bent out of shape at the last one, after trying in vane to be nice, I had to resort to being down right MEAN. I got some respect out of her too. Why they seem to think that they can or will belittle someone, is beyond my comprehension. There are other people out here that could use that job if she doesn't want it!

As for the "When" question. I can tell you that I came deathly close to being too late for mine last year. Between being shuffled around between Doctors, Testing, dealing with the insurance company etc, a total of nearly 1 year elapsed. I would say to rest easy. You probably could go for another 6 months or so, but I wouldn't recommend it. ;)
I'm a firm believer that attitude trickles down from the top. So if there is anyone on staff that has been there for a while, you can count on the fact that they have the absolute blessing of upper management, regarding what they say and how it is said.

This is true not only in the medical profession, but life in general.

Most times it isn't something that this kind of person is told to do, but you can bet your bottom dollar that those at the top know about this attitude, and condone it by not reigning it in.

Good people attract good people, the converse is also true.

Now I'm going to post my own vent on another subject. This must be the day for morons on the phone.
You are hereby entitled to a LARGE vent

You are hereby entitled to a LARGE vent

Melissa, that nurse's behavior toward you was absolutely inexcusable, but all too common in our society. You will have to let your own stress level dictate what you want to devote coping time to, but at least know that I for one think you would be entirely in the right to complain to her boss about it.

Just my own two cents here, if the surgeon felt the two weeks was a hard, absolute, gotta happen by then kind of thing, he / she would have taken more firm steps to help it happen. Not sure if this is the case, but I suspect the 2 weeks was a target to shoot for, to get things moving.
I have heard comments like, we are only taking new patients if they carry a PPO. They are doing it!! Major university hospital too! Or, oh good you have a PPO, no problem. It appears that they are blacklisting individuals on HMO's and or managed care plans. Isn't that discrimination?

PS, note your hospital band the next time you are admitted. I have seen insurance classifications stamped right on the band. So what if it does say HMO? I wonder? Do they let you wait behind the PPO's? Scary!
It sure is, but how many of us have the money to sue much less the time to do it?

We just need to start billing $65/hour four time spent dealing with the medical system, as you recommended in your other post. That might be a nice job, chasing down the nasty & discriminatory people of the world. . .. :)