PVR one week from today

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
Camas, WA
Here I am at the one week mark, surgery scheduled for Sept 9th. The reality of the big day being so close is really starting to sink in today. I've tried to busy myself making preparations. I've double checked with both the hospital & Regence Blue Cross to be certain this thing is going to be covered. I have a nice comfy new recliner ready to recuperate in. My living will is filled out & witnessed (just in case). I have a hearthugger ready to hopefully make that coughing a bit more tolerable. My wife has taken a 4 week leave of absence, starting the week after surgery. Family members are planning to come from out of town to give support. Prayer chains are already busy on my behalf. (been praying a lot myself, too.) I think I've got this thing handled physically & emotionally. I do have a question for you good folks. What did you do the night before your surgery? Or perhaps the day before you were admitted? A special meal with family? One last drive in the country? Go skydiving? LOL I'm curious to know. ;)

I had a wonderful meal - all the verboten stuff - prime rib, sweet potatoes with lots of butter, dessert, wine . . . and I actually enjoyed it. And I didn't even have the benefit of this board, letting me know that food tasted like dirt for a while after surgery. By the night before surgery the calm had come over me - I was very much turned inward and had quit worrying and fretting.

You sound really well prepared. My last minute suggestions for going to the hospital include your own pillow with several changes of pillowcases (I'm a bit ocd about my own pillow - most others' pillows are too fat and hard); those waterless tooth brushing things; a dry shampoo in case the hospital doesn't provide them; a cd player with headphones for the cicu (it's loud and was frightening to me - people moaning, lots of loud talking, machines beeping).

Suggest you spend the next week doing fun things - movies, a short vacation, swimming, golf, whatever you enjoy. You deserve it, and you won't have a lot of energy for a few months afterward.

Oh, yeah - it's time to be practicing with your spirometer.

Good luck.
Hi George!

First of all I wish you the best for your operation and a speedy recovery, keep us posted!
The night before OHS I had a special dinner at a great sushi restaurant in Seattle with family, and then popped a valium and went straight to bed (I highly recommend it).

All the best George with your surgery and hope you have an uneventfull and speedy recovery.


What perfect preparations you have made! Great work but I would also second the CD player. It was much used to block out the noises and it helps you relax . The noises/activites can be somewhat anxiety provoking.

Just let go and let the cardiac team do what they are good at......fixing hearts and come back soon.

Enjoy your night before,


It's so great to hear of all your preparations. This thing should be a relatively easy process due to your advance thinking.

I am sorry to say I really don't remember the specifics of each of my "day/night befores". However, I do know I spent them with friends and family because they were my touchstones through all of this. Since I love to eat, I am sure good food (of the forbidden type) factored in as well as champagne and chocolate. But quiet time just snuggling with your loved one, sitting on a couch watching a movie, talking, looking at the stars, etc. were also important. Whether all these occurred the night before or the week before, they all created memories that got me through the recovery process.

Best of luck to you and look forawrd to hearing from you back at home real soon.
jitojo said:
Hi George!

First of all I wish you the best for your operation and a speedy recovery, keep us posted!
The night before OHS I had a special dinner at a great sushi restaurant in Seattle with family, and then popped a valium and went straight to bed (I highly recommend it).


Aha! See, George?? Valium........ and recommended by someone else from the Great Northwest!! Hope you get some more ideas...........I'm taking notes, too!

Thinking of you!!
:D Marguerite
Here's what I did the last morning before I left for the hospital. I got up, cried a little, decided that was stupid (I didn't want a stuffy nose), so I woke my husband up, and asked if he'd care to have sex (I think he was stunned by his good fortune).
The sex was much better than the crying. ;) ;) ;)
In my case I wish I would have been able to have a wonderful meal on the eve of my surgery... but unfortunately I had to have all my teeth pulled 2 days before :(

I did revel in the antibacterial shower though - I was squeaky clean. :D

And I did take a happy pill before I went to bed ;)

Enjoy the evening, think happy thoughts, & try to relax. It's almost over!

I'll keep you in my thoughts & prayers.

Dangumit, Mary. I'd say your hubby is one lucky guy ;). I'd like to have a wife like that, I think....

As for me, I went to church with family/friends in the morning, stopped for lunch at a Steak'n'Shake, home to hang out with family/friends in the afternoon. Hmmm...nothing much exciting, come to think of it. Go figure...heh.

Cort, "Mr Road Trip" / soon2be ex-"Mr MC", 31swm/pig valve/pacer
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MC Guide = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html
"Nothing lasts forever" ... Simple Plan ... 'Perfect'
George, it certainly sounds like you are ready. The night before my surgery I had all my kids and grandchildren over for a meal and to listen to grandma's bad heart for one last time. Then our preacher came over and we joined hands in a circle and had a prayer. I was due to be the first surgery first thing the next morning. While the doctor's were putting the port in my neck, my thoughts at that time were, whatever happened I would win. I went to sleep praying and the next thing I knew (about 10 hours later) my family were all standing over me. It was over! I was on the road to recovery.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. It's great to be on this side of the mountain.