Here I am at the one week mark, surgery scheduled for Sept 9th. The reality of the big day being so close is really starting to sink in today. I've tried to busy myself making preparations. I've double checked with both the hospital & Regence Blue Cross to be certain this thing is going to be covered. I have a nice comfy new recliner ready to recuperate in. My living will is filled out & witnessed (just in case). I have a hearthugger ready to hopefully make that coughing a bit more tolerable. My wife has taken a 4 week leave of absence, starting the week after surgery. Family members are planning to come from out of town to give support. Prayer chains are already busy on my behalf. (been praying a lot myself, too.) I think I've got this thing handled physically & emotionally. I do have a question for you good folks. What did you do the night before your surgery? Or perhaps the day before you were admitted? A special meal with family? One last drive in the country? Go skydiving? LOL I'm curious to know.