Sorry it's been a while!
Sorry it's been a while!
Hi Cindy,
I've finally logged on for the week... sorry it's taken me a while. Really sorry that the valvuplasty didn't make a huge difference, it would have been great if that could have done the trick so Teddy could start college as planned in 3 weeks. I've been told too, that the procedure would not work on my valve either...I'm sure for the same reasons. I'm surprised that you are not seeing the surgeon at this point. My mean pressure gradients are at 45 mmHg (much less than Teddy's), and I"m seeing the surgeon already. He wants to see me every 6 months in conjunction with my cardiologist appointments. I have been told that when my pressure gradients reach approx 50 that is when surgery will be probably be considered. I'm sure too that they do not look at this measurement alone, they would take into consideration my right ventricular pressures etc. What are Teddy's other measurements & physical symptoms? I'm asymptomatic, and I was even before I had the Ross Procedure, but at the moment I'm just experiencing quite a bit of arrythmia during the day, and a little breathless when running or climbing stairs.
I really hope that you will find the answers you need and be able to see a cardio before Teddy goes back to school. I've read somewhere too, that you can send copies of your reports to the Cleveland hospital (for a fee), for a second opinion. I'm not sure though, how long this would take either. I wish Teddy all the best, keep us updated and know you are in our prayers.
Bryan, thanks for the info about the method they used to employ of using aortic homografts in the pulmonary position, as compared to using the pulmonary homografts now. I'll be interested to see what the practice is here in Australia. Thanks too, for having a chat with your surgeon about the issues on this post. Also, sorry to hear mate that you lost your job, seems pretty unfair to me. It must be disappointing. Hope you find something else soon. Thanks for all your input as a fellow "rosser"!