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Of course you don't want to go back to work there. As Indiana Jones said, "Snakes. I hate snakes." But they should have to make good on their actions.

One thing to consider is that these things frequently don't go to court. The employer is often well aware that they have done an immoral thing. The result is often additional compensation with a nondisclosure agreement. The concern for publicity can be a powerful weapon. They have to know that you're ready and very willing to go to court, though. How are you at poker?

The other problem is that companies have become increasingly confident that they can do it to the next guy, too, and get away with it. Still, I can understand your desire to move on.

Don't forget to put your resume on the web, on one of the better job locating sites.

Best wishes,
I'm very good at poker. I don't know if you watch the world series of poker, but last year's winner was from Nashville. Can you believe he won 2.5 million dollars...and his name was Chris Moneymaker. :D

Let's just say that I have had the whole day to "check into my options". You tell I holding aces or not? :cool:

Now on another subject, they are coming to tow my car to the dealership as I am writing this. I filled the tank with fresh gas and added some fuel injector cleaner and ran it up and down I-40. It was running even worse today with it not shifting into 4th gear with the slightest of inclines. It's still sputtering, stalling when I come to a stop, and making a foul odor. I talked to the dealership AND the company that provides my extended bumper-to-bumper warrenty and both said that there will be no problems with coverage. I hope they're good to their word. And my car insurance policy is covering the towing charge, so my only problem is a lack of wheels. I may call Enterprise and see if they will "pick me up" as they advertise.

I sure hope I have reached the bottom of my biorhythm curve and it starts heading up soon. :eek:

At least that one was easy to deal with. Well, one step at a time. Good luck with the other things.... and enjoy house sitting in NC!
So sorry to hear about the job and the car and the teeth. When it rains it pours. What a wonderful positive attitude you have, it will certainly help you get through all this. Good luck and know we are thinking about you and hope for all the best.
Thanks Cindy...yeah I'm pretty waterlogged right now. :D Things will get better though...this too shall pass. I rescheduled my exit interview for Monday and am waiting for a call from the dealership when my car is ready. Decided to tighten the purse strings and not spring for a rental car.
Leapin' Lizards! I had this vision of you out on the I-40, pushing your car into the breakdown lane with your costochondritis. I hope that didn't actually happen, because in the vision, you were cursing me and the fuel injector cleaner manufacturer out pretty freely... :eek: :D

I was going to say that at least it's not too expensive, but I've found things have gotten really steep in the parts market. I hope it's covered by your warrantee.

Could be worse. I spent major dollars on Warrantee Gold. They went belly-up for all warrantees issued before 2002. Yet, they're still in business for more recent warrantees. I have difficulty with this. That company should be as dead as the policy they sold me (and my son). :mad: :confused:

Best wishes,
LOL Bob, no I didn't stray too far and was lucky enough to be able to do some "rolling stops" as traffic was light at the time. As for the warranty, they did not live up to their word. The total bill was 300.00 and they only coverd 100.00 of it...with guessed it...100.00 deductible. Needless to say, I now have someone to release all of this stress built up in me upon (the warranty co, not the dealership). It may be worth the price and good therapy! :D I was sold a 3yr extended "bumper to bumper" warranty (maybe they meant just the bumpers :D). I might give Mazda Corp. a ring and let them know how I feel about being sold a fraudulent warranty from one of their dealerships. When I bought the car I resisted several times on the EW, but they came down in price to the point where one major repair between years 3-6 would have more than paid for it. I should have not caved...oh live and you learn.
Darn car dealerships.

A car dealership sold me and "extended warranty" that also turned out not to be good. The warranty only covered cars that were 5 years old or newer and the car I just bought was six years old.

Sure as the sun shines, the car broke down within a week of the purchase. I was TORKED when the dealer wouldn't cover the cost of the repair and informed me of the snafu. LUCKILY. . .I had just finished a class in Business Law. The one that taught me one invalid clause in the contract made the entire contract null and void. :D

I promptly returned the car to the dealership and explained that since the contract was invalid, they could have their car back, Thank You Very Much. The look on their faces was priceless. :D :D :D

Hope you have fun taking out your stress on the warranty folks!


Have you picked up your car? Make sure, you take one of the mechanics with you..before you pay... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Ignition coil was probably $25.00 ..It's labor.. :eek: :eek: Bonnie
Yep, got it back this afternoon.

Coil, igniter, and wire set: 126.93

Labor: 178.50

Having my car back: Priceless!


(The coil and igniter was only 36, the wire set was 90)
Putting this thread to rest too...

Putting this thread to rest too...

I had my exit interview today. My COBRA is 250/mo, eligible for unemployment, no compensation package offered. Neither my manager or department director showed their faces to send me off. They had boxed up my belongings from my cubicle and had them ready for me in the HR manager's office.

Another chapter of life closes. Time to move on to the next chapter. I gotta have a little talk with the author though...I'd like to change the theme of this novel from "horror story" to something a little lighter like "prosperity, romance, and happiness". ;) :D
Bryan you are what the name of this thread is "priceless"! You will make it because your attitude is great. You have probably seen this a hundred times but maybe it's worth posting again.


"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes,
than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company....a church....a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past....We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way...We canot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes."

Love ya!
To whomever might be interested -

I made a correction to my previous post on this thread about the extension of the COBRA plan. Also,

To Glenda -

I sent you a private message maybe a week ago or so (still unread) in reply to your pm to me :) . Take care!