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Bryan B

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
Chronic Bronchitis: 5,000.00

Bacterial Endocarditis: 50,000.00

Open Heart Surgery: 150,000.00

Post-Op Complications: 10,000.00

Getting laid off when you're finally ready to return to work: PRICELESS!

NO WAY, Bryan! Say it isn't so. :eek: I can't believe this happened. What 's up, are ok? Man, if this is true, you need your pup now more than ever!!!!!!
Yep. When I saw my surgeon on Monday he released me to go back to work on August 23rd. I have been e-mailing my employer with updates on my condition, and on Monday I e-mailed them with the "good news". I told them I was flying back to Nashville (yesterday), would contact them today, and would be ready to come back to work on Monday. The HR manager called me this morning (beat me to the punch :D) to give me the news. They had not responded to any of my updates, so I'm not shocked by the news. Just goes to show you how business is run these days. :eek:

That is terrible news. I don't usually urge people to be litigious, because I know better than most what it costs, emotionally and financially. But something stinks here - and you might want to consult with an employment lawyer about the timing of this "layoff". Are other people being laid off at the same time due to a RIF? Are people senior or junior to you being let go as well?

I'm very suspicious that you are being picked on because of your medical situation. I'd check it out.

On the other hand, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason: so maybe there is a really great opportunity just waiting out there for you- be open to that as well.


Hi Bryan,
Just wanted to let you know how sorry I am that this happened (I just read the other posts) It makes you wonder if this is not something that most companies are doing, because my father, who has to have a heart transplant (which he has decided not to have) told his bosses and they forced him to retire..I hope you get through this as gracefully as possible....Take Care, Harrybaby666 :mad: :eek: :mad: :eek:
Good Lord, Almighty. When it rains, it pours. I agree that a consult with an employment lawyer or two is in order. They will tell you within 15 minutes if you have a case or not.

You are considered a "protected class" under the ADA:

Employment discrimination is prohibited against "qualified individuals with disabilities." This includes applicants for employment and employees. An individual is considered to have a "disability" if s/he has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having such an impairment. The first part of the definition makes clear that the ADA applies to persons who have impairments and that these must substantially limit major life activities such as seeing, hearing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, learning, caring for oneself, and working. The second part of the definition protecting individuals with a record of a disability would cover, for example, a person who has recovered from cancer or mental illness (or heart valve surgery!).
You may have grounds for a lawsuit. You're not supposed to get laid off for illness, even if you're not on a timeclock.

Of course, you might want to obtain other employment first, if that kind of news travels in your industry.

Keep track of your insurance, as you might want to COBRA it, especially now.

You should have the grace to shake your former boss's hand when leaving. You might want to let it slip later that costochondritis is a terrible, contagious disease that you picked up from a septic surgical stitch...disfigurement...permanent sexual dysfunction... :D
Bryan, you need my hugs more than every today. Hug, Hug, Hug. Sweetie the same thing happened to me about two years ago. My boss and company saw me through my breast cancer but when another year came around and I ended up with kidney cancer my boss made it so miserable for me that it caused me to resign. I could have had a law suit but it just wasn't worth it to me. They say never to close a door, like I would ever want to go back to work there. NOT! ! I have been on Cobra since. ($1000.00 a month) but I have to have it. My Cobra is running a little longer than most people because I began disabled and they have to let you have it longer. It end in July of 2005. It started out costing about $600.00 but the week after my heart surgery it went to $1000.00. Doesn't seem quite fare does it?

You hang in there. I sincerely believe that when God closes a door that he opens a window. Love ya! Aunt Glenda :) :) :)
I've seen this happen many times now. It's happened to my best friend, heck it even happened to me, but rather then just a layoff, the company went bankrupt before my return. (I like to think that I caused it to happen!)

I stand with Bill on this. Litigation is in the picture if you feel up to fighting about it, but it could be a door opening for something completely more rewarding too.

Sorry you've experienced this. Your certainly not the only one it's happened too. Alot of us are right beside you on this issue.
Thanks for the encouragement! I left for a dental appointment at 2PM to get my crown put back on (fell off last week), and x-rays revealed that I need another root canal. Had two teeth next to each other crowned before surgery but continued to have pain. They canaled one tooth the day before I left TN to have my surgery, but said the other one looked suspicious. That was confirmed today. And now for the car is acting up since I got back yesterday, sputtering and idling so low it cuts off.



As for the employment situation, my FMLA ran out in mid June, so I think they were planning on doing this all along. They are the ones who forced me into NOT returning to work until all lifting restrictions were lifted, which would normally be around 3 months post-op if recovery was perfect. I also work in an "at will" state where they can terminate your employment without cause. The offical reason the HR manager gave me was that business was such that they needed to fill my position. The interesting thing is that one of the words in my company's name is "Healthcare". As Cort would say..."irony rocks"!

I'm ok with this though, I am also a true believer that things like this happen for a reason, and while litigation may be an I want to work for a company that doesn't want me? Do I want to work for a manager who told me my post endocarditis symptoms were all in my head and I needed to "suck it up" about two weeks before I found out I needed OHS? If I was him I wouldn't want me around to remind him of his insensitive remarks either. :D I plan on handling this with class and I have no ill will towards them. I will be eligible for unemployment and cobra benefits, and from what I understand I may be eligible to continue my disability benefits for some length of time that I have yet to find out.

The good news is that my parents are going on vacation Sept 4-9 and I can now go back to Raleigh to take care of the pup for another week! :)
Geez, Bryan..With my blurry eyesight..I thought I was going to read your 5th line..Getting laid........priceless. :D :D But, when I focus back I finished the sentence..... :eek: :eek: With the economy improving ever so slightly, I smell a rat in Denmark :eek: :eek: My daughter was laid off from Nortel Networks, 3 years ago..She worked for 2 years with 1/2 of her salary..but, now, has the best job with HoneyBaked Hams as district manager..Back to her qualified salary and 1/2 the travel daily to and from work.... :) :) Please don't let this get you down..Get those resumes ready and mail them out... You never know what's out there..Good Luck. Bonnie


Guess we were typing at the same time.. :p First, get that tooth taken care of..and then buy a new battery for your car :D :D :D Bonnie (Mother-Hen)

I'm so very sorry you're going through this right now. What a bummer! However, if you have the right attitude, that will certainly be a shock absorber for some of the bumps you're going through.
Bryan I might be able to help you with the car if you can do some basic mechanical work. What kind of car is it? Make Model Year and engine?
So sorry to hear your news. We just had one of our best friends laid off from his job in the midst of chemotherapy for colon cancer. The day he got back to work after his surgery they began complaining about his "poor performance" and he suspected that they were about to can him and just trying to build a ficticious case. The were very happy with him prior to his surgery. We encouraged him to get advice from an attorney, but his response was that life was too short. He was already going through nasty chemo and he said he didn't need yet another negative in his life. I guess I can understand that.

You haven't gone through all your trials to be "taken down" by a job. You've got strength and I'm sure you will find the better side of this unfortunate situation shortly.


It's a Mazda Protege 2000ES, 1.8L with auto transmission. While I was in NC for my surgery (in April) I had the 30,000 maintenance done and the idle adjusted because it had been idling low ever since they replaced the alternator that went bad in 2002. It was running great when I left for NC 5 weeks ago. Yesterday it did the sputtering, not auto shifting into the next gear properly and idling very low. I made it to my destination (grocery store), and when I came back out and started it up it ran fine :confused: . Today I had the same symptoms on the way to the dentist (actually stalled at stoplight). When I left the dentist it was still acting up, but about half-way home it starting running good again. I checked oil level and all fluids yesterday and they are fine. Checked gas cap before leaving the dentist today and it seemed secure, but I gave it a few more "clicks" to make sure it was on tight. I'm wondering if I might have gotten a buildup of condensation in gas tank or lost pressure from gas cap from not driving it for 5 weeks, or if they screwed something up during 30K checkup that is just now showing up. Any help will be appreciated! :)
No Check Engine light coming on? I was originally thinking your oxygen sensor is bad, but it'll switch the light on unless the light is burned out. Mazda integrates so many sensors together into the computer system that it could be any number of things. Even a bad or loose connection on a sensor somewhere. Unfortunately, I think your going to have to take her to a shop and have her diagnosed. :(
Hi Bryan

Hi Bryan

Hi There Bryan,
you might want to have the "shift-solonoid" checked, because when I had my Chevy Celebrity, I kept having the same trouble and FINALLY, they found that it was a bad shift solonoid..I hope this helps...Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Yes, check engine light is now blinking on all the time. Silver lining...when I bought the car in 2000 they talked me into buying the extended 3 year bumper-to-bumper warrenty. I just find it odd that it was running perfectly before my trip to NC. Seems as if not driving it for 5 weeks has something to do with the problem. Also can't figure out why it seems to correct itself at some point along the way.