Well, I made it! I had my beautiful and healthy baby girl on April 19th! We both made it through safely so I am very thankful for that! Although my delivery was very rough for me and I ended up at the heart center for a day and night afterward. During the delivery the doctors were not all on the same page and the on call doctor was one I hadn't met so the plan for me to have as little pain as possible and to do minimal pushing did not happen! I ended up having to push for an hour and my heart rate was in the 170's the whole time! My heart rate also went up really high from the epidural so they didn't give me that much so I still felt a lot of pain! It was very hard for me and also extra scary knowing my heart condition. After the delivery I ended up extremely lightheaded and dizzy and everything was such a blur..that was the worst feeling ever but my blood pressure was pretty stable the whole time. My heart rate still remained high so they had me go to heart center/icu to be monitored. I didn't like being apart from my baby for that day but they were able to bring her a few times to see! I have my next echo in July to see how things are going and when ill need my surgery and when/if ill be able to have another baby in the future!
I'm just so thankful me and my baby girl made it though! She is so beautiful and doing really well! My husband has been amazing support also! Thank you all for the support too!
Now if I can get some sleep..lol 
I'm just so thankful me and my baby girl made it though! She is so beautiful and doing really well! My husband has been amazing support also! Thank you all for the support too!