Pre-op done..only the big day left...January 18

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*chuckles slightly*

Oh, my dearest, Praline, like Gina ... open heart surgery hasn't changed me a bit either.

I worry too much.

I "pat rack" too much.

And, ever since a flood due to a leaking fire hydrant caused us to "rip up" the train room connected (more or less) to my bedroom, the train room has been a "storage room" of sorts, where I've put things "to go through" ... and STILL HAVE NOT done so :(.


I really don't want to go back to work this week...aye aye aye.

I don't know Columbo that well, but Perry Mason ... yes yes yes!

Holy crap ... if I got DVDs of all of the old TV shows that I enjoyed and want to see again ... I wouldn't do anything for several years...he he he.


Best of luck to you. Soon everything will be over and you'll have time to orgnize your paperwork. Right now concentrate in getting better
Deane and Praline - wishing you all the best while you go nearly hand in hand over the mountain together. We will be thinking of you and sending our prayers on. Then we wait right here hear how you are and to welcome you home again. GODSPEED!
Praline said:
If you want the old Columbo reruns when I am done with them, I will be happy to send them to you. Like I was saying before, maybe I will come out of surgery more organized and and not such a pack rat. But GEEBEE says that it does not work..she is still a pack rat after 3 surgeries. :D

I'd love to have them Praline.
And yes, I like Monk!

Do you think your sister will be able to post for you after surgery? I hope there will be some way to let us know that you've successfully navigated your journey, and we can celebrate along with your family. :)
Hello,Thank you for all the kind and encouraging messages.

Hello,Thank you for all the kind and encouraging messages.

I am sitting here trying to tell myself to calm down. I go from being pretty good to getting chills when I think about Wednesday. It still seems unreal that in a couple of days, my chest will be split open , and ....:eek:
One day last week we had a meeting to go ever the results of a survey about dealing with the aftermath of Katrina. The therapists are talking about the stress of not having a permanent place to live, of not sleeping well at night, of having no job security,etc... I am sitting there thinking: I did not lose my house to Katrina, just my school but I can sure relate to the stress!!
I am glad that I can come here and dump all my fears and frustrations, it makes me feel better. I am looking around my house thinking.." Will I really see this again?"
Like I said in another post, I have made so many posts on this site that when I click "send post" , I half expect the computer to to send me a " you have made an illegal operation" message.:)
Thank again for the positive replies.
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

I wish you a very speedy recovery.
