Pre-op done..only the big day left...January 18

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Praline Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
Had pre-op done last Thursday. I am happy that my husband came with me or I would still be there finding my way around that huge hospital. Went from 8th floor hospital side, to 2nd floor clinic side , back to hospital , etc..did that all day. If I do not have a sense of direction after surgery, I will certainly not be able to blame it on "pumphead". :D
Talked to the surgeon again then talked to an anestiologist ,and of course went to admission to pay co-pay. Everyone has been super nice throughout this whole ordeal of tests and decisions. The hospital I am going to has a great reputation and I am sure I will be well taken care of.
I am not quite as panicky as I was a couple of weeks ago. I was so scared that it was scary to be that I was going to unravel like a sweater when you pull on a yarn... After I talked to another cardiologist for a second opinion and then I met with the surgeon, I kind of came to terms with the fact that if has to be done.. MY PCP told me I have a lot of positives going for me: I have never smoked, I am not diabetic, I am not overweight,I am otherwise healthy , I am not "wimpy", (little does she know :D )...
Oh, don't get me wrong, I am still very scared... And I don't feel like doing anything... There are so many thing that I have to do .. and I just have no motivation to get going.
I have a room ready for me for when I come home..a little comfortable recliner ( like a slider),a twin bed in case I need my own bed, a TV with cable, some old video reruns of Perry Mason and Columbo. All I need now is some books. I have joined the Mystery Guild and I have 7 good whodunits coming. I just hope I can read..when I had my kidney surgery, it was at least 2 or 3 weeks before I could read. My eyes were too blurry. And I am sure my first trip out of the house after I am home will be to the used book store to buy more books. One can never have too many books.:D
Surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18th, at Ochsner Hospital Foundation in New Orleans. I am to be there at 6:00 a.m. and surgery is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. God, chills thinking about it.:eek:

Listen to your body and, if it doesn't want to get motivated to run around, it is telling you to just slow down and chill out. I am sure there is nothing that "needs" to be done that cannot wait. Ask yourself, "In a hundred years, who's going to care"? Nothing is so important to take time away from just "being".

You have such a good attitude. I am sure it will carry you through with flying colors.

Please try and have someone post for you after surgery. We will be waiting anxiously for information.


P.S. - you are right. You can never have too many books (or, also in my case, too many DVDs).:D :D ;)
You have been in my prayers as our surgery dates are the same & our surgery times are the same, barring time zone differences! ANyway, we will be under at the same time, don't know that it is comforting but it sounds like you are in a good mental state also! I wish you all the best with your surgery & I look forward to hearing your success story & hopefully sharing mine with you as well.

Praline. You sound really great. I think the optimism and wonderful attitude will serve you well. I'm so glad that you have positive professionals around you. Now I know you will be fine.

I agree about the books!! One can never have too many. We have the best used bookstore in the country here in town!! Powells Books. It's full city block, 4 stories, used and new books. They also have an online site.... You can buy used books online.

I wouldn't worry too much about being motivated to do what you think you "have" to do. Take a few deep breaths and go out and "smell the roses". From what I understand about this surgery, when you get back home again,the "roses have never smelled sweeter".

:) Marguerite
Sounds like you are starting to feel some of the calm before the surgery. I think being at the hospital for the pre-tests and seeing how smoothly things go and how nice everyone is helps a lot. We wish you the best and look forward to hearing all good results.
djexec said:
You have been in my prayers as our surgery dates are the same & our surgery times are the same, barring time zone differences! ANyway, we will be under at the same time, don't know that it is comforting but it sounds like you are in a good mental state also! I wish you all the best with your surgery & I look forward to hearing your success story & hopefully sharing mine with you as well.

How did we miss putting your surgery date on the calendar?- going to correct that right now and we wish you the best as well and hope someone will post for you!:)
I am trying..but

I am trying..but

I am trying to make time to relax but you see.. I have a room full of school junk wall to wall and I HAVE TO sort some of it up and clear the middle of the floor because my sister and her husband are coming and they need the middle of the floor to put a mattress to sleep..since that nice "recovery room" I set up for myself is our spare bedroom. We have a little matchbox house.
Do you know what I just thought of..maybe I will wake-up from surgery a neat,organized person and not be such a pack rat.:) I know..don't get my hopes up too high. Miracles happen but not that big of a miracle.:D

I don't mean to discourage you but 3 OHS haven't changed me one bit. If anything I am more of a pack rat because everything seems so very precious to me.

Maybe cleaning up the room will be good therapy for you but, if you find yourself unable to do it, just buy some plastic crates at Home Depot and put everything into them. Line them up against a wall somewhere and you can deal with them once you are recovered. There will come a time when you feel well enought to empty crates but not well enough to return to work (or school or whatever) and you will welcome something to fill the day.

Hope you solve this dilemna and spend time just relaxing.
You're the first person I've heard say they enjoy the old Columbo reruns. I do too, but they're rarely on anymore. I use to be a big Agatha Christie fan, but I haven't read her books in years.
The good thing about surgery is it will give you an opportunity to do what you want during recovery. You are forced to take it easy, whether you intend to or not.
Gina's suggestion about packing everything up in crates is a good one. I did exactly the same thing after realizing that the day would eventually come when I would have time to sort through items I did, or didn't, want to keep.
Hang in there; your waiting is almost over.
Learn to delegate!

Learn to delegate!

Hi Praline....Please don't tell me that with a few days to go to OHS that you intend to start tidying up that room yourself? I'm sure that all the bending down and picking stuff up is not really what you should be doing right now!

Learn to delegate...I agree with Gina's suggestion of putting everything in all you have to do is get someone to go out and purchase the crates and let someone else do the filling!

I know delegating isn't easy, especially if you have a fierce independent streak like I do! Lecture over:rolleyes:


You are all too funny:D :D :D
First of all . I am done all the straightening up in that room.There is a big space in the middle of the floor, big enough for the mattress. They can do that when they get here. I am sure that moving a few boxes and putting them against the wall is not going to hurt me. I do that all the time. And it feels good to have it done.
Now I am off to really relax and listen to my Guided Imagery CD.Then a shower... After that I am going to the store to get cat litter, cat litter liner, and dog food. Can't let the pets starve while I am feasting on hospital food.:rolleyes:
Good luck

Good luck

Best of luck on your surgery. I did find that reading was difficult and even paging through magazines seemed way to deep for me so I took headphones and audio books with. It does sound like you have reached the acceptance stage.


If you want the old Columbo reruns when I am done with them, I will be happy to send them to you. Like I was saying before, maybe I will come out of surgery more organized and and not such a pack rat. But GEEBEE says that it does not work..she is still a pack rat after 3 surgeries. :D
Mary said:
You're the first person I've heard say they enjoy the old Columbo reruns. I do too, but they're rarely on anymore. I use to be a big Agatha Christie fan, but I haven't read her books in years.

Praline and Mary - do either of you watch "Monk"? It's on the USA cable network now - reminds me a lot of Columbo. Quirky, very intelligent detective. Monk has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's a very funny series.

Praline - just pamper yourself like crazy for the next few days.
God Bless

God Bless

Prayers are coming your way. I know you will do great. Don't forget to post and let us know how great your doing.

God Bless You and keep you.
I stocked up on mysteries, too (my house is drowning in mysteries - I've been with Mys. Guild for like 15 years). And couldn't get through them for 4 or 5 months. Was most disappointed. What I could read were short stories and novellas (I'm not much of a fan of them normally). Suggest you get a few books of mystery short stories/novellas to have on hand. Concentration is an issue after ohs.

I'm glad you've got yourself a nice little nest. And I certainly admire your taste! Love Monk, too. And do you watch "Midsomer Murders" on BBCAmerica? SO GOOD.

Best of luck, Praline. You'll do fine. And this time next week you'll probably be home.

Please know that you have my sincerest best wishes and will be in my thoughts and prayers on Wednesday. I know that all will go well for you. Take Care!



I also love mysteries. I bought a series of 3 before I went into the hospital. Ended up taking them back. I do love books on CD and I could listen to the books. My eyes were not good enough after the surgery +pain meds. Now I am back to reading in my "spare" time. Life gets busy once you start feeling better.
Try to relax over the next 2 days and just put yourself in your doctor's hands. We will all be here waiting to hear how everything goes, so please have someone post on Wed.
I have walked in your shoes and I know how scary it can be but you will be calm on Wed.
Praline said:
Can't let the pets starve while I am feasting on hospital food.:rolleyes:

You may want to put a few cans in your goody bag for the hospital, just in case.:D :D :D :D :D

Keep that chin up girl (just watch where you step:eek: :D ). It will be over before you know it. YEAH, RIGHT!!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

Prayers and good thoughts continue for you and your family.

May God Bless,
