Prayers needed

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We have a young family at church who's husband/father died suddenly Thursday morning of a heart attach (I'm told) at the age of 40. They have 2 small girls (below school age) and the wife is due to deliver their 3rd child (a boy) in August. This was a big shock for the family and for our church. So, if you feel so inclined to offer some prayers for Bruce E.'s family and friends I would be grateful.
They will certainly be in my prayers. I have borrowed my husbands lap top computer while mine is in the shop and just happened to read this post. I'm so sorry to hear this news about such a young family.
What a shame!

What a shame!

I too will be praying so that this family can overcome this terrible loss!
How sad!

How sad!

They will certainly be in our prayers. Do you have any names, by chance? First names will do. I'm kind of weird this way, but I like to mention the names when I pray.