Prayers needed -- twins

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catwoman Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
Please keep my niece and her unborn twin girls in your prayers.

Her due date is Nov. 25, but she was hospitalized Sept. 14 to try to stop contractions. On Friday (9/19) she was told she would be kept in the hospital until the babies arrive.
Her contractions are continuing, and last night she had even stronger ones. She's on various meds, getting injections, etc.

She's at the largest hospital in St. Louis with an outstanding prenatal department. And a cousin-in-law is an RN in the NICU. So she's in the best possible place.

The nursery is ready, but not for preemies. Mom & Dad like to buy more time, to let the girls develop a little more and avoid health complications. They've undergone tremendous undertakings to get to this point

Thanks for your prayers. They will be very much appreciated.

I will fly back in 2 weeks to do "honey-do" things around their home (and give their dog some quality human time) so that my nephew-in-law can do whatever is needed at that time. (When you don't have children of your own, you become a granny-aunt like I did 34 years ago when my niece was born.)
Marsha, your niece and her twins will be in my prayers. Please keep us informed.
Marsha ~ My best wishes and prayers for all of you. I hope everything turns out fine. Dawn-Marie
Is she at Barnes? I used to take transports to Barnes and StLU all the time when I was in my residency. Twins almost always deliver early; average gestational age at delivery is 33 weeks, but that includes a whole lot of those born at 28 weeks. They'll give her medications to help mature the lungs of the newborns, and even at 31 or 32 weeks they usually do just great. Had some born at 25&4/7 weeks here recently, after mom was hospitalized for 2 weeks. Both babies doing well, off the ventilator after about 6 weeks, now what we call "feeder-growers". Truly amazing, what with surfactant and all and the oscillating ventilator.

We'll be praying.

Nice day in Idaho,

The scenario is all too familar, and I understand the anxiety.
I will keep them in my prayers.
By the way, I would guess she's at Cardinal Glennon or Children's. That's where we transport from this part of the country.
Aye, Marsha....

Thoughts/prayers en route....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Watch over them for me" ... Darryl Worley ... 'If Something Should Happen'
I spent Sunday afternoon at the hospital. Was there when the OB/GYN came in -- I think he was the one on call for the practice, not necessarily the one she's been going to. Her contractions had stabilized, thanks to some good drugs, but they're still not letting her leave. She's got a stack of library books, NetFllix, her laptop & TV to keep her company during the day. Her husband's office is very nearby.

I met a new dad on the elevator Sunday afternoon -- his son was born Saturday night, 12 weeks premature, weighing 2 lbs 12 oz. Said son is doing fine.

Laura & Mary:

She is at St. John's Mercy. Seems that the whole family uses that hospital.