I can sympathize with you and Jim having to put up with instructions from Doctor's who don't know you from Adam. I HATE THAT !
You mentioned that "There was mention that since he had this bleed he may not be a candidate for long term coumadin therapy and may need to look at getting a pig valve in the future after recovery."
Assuming you and Jim need to look at a Tissue Valve replacement as a result of this stomach bleed I just wanted to let you know that the Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valves have the Longest Proven Track Record for Durability in Tissue Valves, approaching 90% 'freedom from explant' at 20 years and counting. The 'new and improved' Bovine Pericardial Valves with anti-calcifying additives are hoped to extend that to 25 years or more.
To the best of my knowledge, the 'new and improved' Porcine Valves have only been around for about 10 to 12 years so everyone is still waiting to see how long they will last. UNTREATED Porcine Tissue Valves are known to 'wear out' in 8 to 12 years.
FWIW, One of our members (Gisele from near Boston) had to have a Mechanical Valve replaced (with a Bovine Pericardial I 'think') after a serious Brain Bleed. Last heard, she was doing OK but has not posted for some time (as far as I know).
Hope Jim has a better week coming up!
Best Wishes,
'AL Capshaw'