Prayer request!

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Thank you so much.........

Thank you so much.........

for your compassion, your kind words, and your prayers. Harry, your post was particularly beautiful and touched my heart. I started crying all over again. Thank you all. I know Chris appreciates the prayers, too, as well as the wonderful tributes to Stephen...........our newest guardian angel and hero. Much love. Janet
I almost didn't want to look at this post this morning. I am so sorry for the loss of this little guy to his family and everyone else. Wishing his family strength, courage and support.
gijanet said:
for your compassion, your kind words, and your prayers. Harry, your post was particularly beautiful and touched my heart. I started crying all over again. Thank you all. I know Chris appreciates the prayers, too, as well as the wonderful tributes to Stephen...........our newest guardian angel and hero. Much love. Janet

Hi Janet,
I didn't mean to make you cry again, and I don't mean to make you cry now, it's just that I think that children are the most wonderful gift a person can have, as well as animals, and I don't usually mention this, but I will so that you will hopefully understand where I am coming from...I was abused as a child, not by my parents, but by an "outside source" and it really has taken alot of years to get past it, but in the meantime, I have seen an aweful lot of innocent children hurt and abused, and for what...nothing...they are innocent...I feel soooo much compassion for children and when they get sick or just angers me and saddens me to no end...I can imagine the pain that you and yours are feeling, and I hope you know that I feel that same pain...simply because he was a child...the beginning of life..Gosh, I had better stop here before I start bawling...Please let your friends know, and please know yourself that you are all in my heart..Harrybaby666
This is the first time I have read this thread. I am in tears.

How can I possibly feel sorry for myself again?? :(

Bless Stephen's soul. What a brave boy.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family.

Christina L.


This reminded of when I was 8 and had repair done my aortic valve. I was in ICU and was in and out of it. I remember seeing all the doctors and nurses trying to help a little who had all kinds of heart problems. She did pass on and my mother had dreamed of this childs death. She told me later, and i told her about what I saw. It was strange. I still feel it all as if it was yesterday. You will never forget these children either. Just send my condolences. Hang in there.

I am so very sorry to hear that Stephen has passed away. My condolences to his family and also to his friends.
Parents don't expect to lose a child, but children also don't expect to lose a friend. Children and young adults believe they are immortal, invicible.
Please give his family a big cyber hug for me. There surely is a new special angel in heaven now.
Janet, I have been off line for a couple of days because of computer problems. I am so sorry to hear about Stephens passing. Heaven has received another angel in to their fold. My prayers are with you and his family. How precious he must have been.
Janet, my deepest sympathy to your friends for the loss of their son. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for them now, but I'm glad they have wonderful friends like you to help them through.

My prayers are with Stephen and his family.......God bless him thorugh this ordeal!