Prayer request for my sis

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Well-known member
May 28, 2002
Princeton, Minnesota
Hi All,

Please add my sister Patty to your list of people to pray for. I learned last night that she had a brain tumor and was scheduled for surgery today.

She came through the surgery fine, and although the mass was malignant, they "got it all". It was nearly midnight here by the time I found that out, so I'm not even sure if she's awake yet.
She's in Glendale, AZ and I'm in MN, so everything I hear is through the grapevine.

Unfortunately, this is not her only battle. She also has breast cancer that is at a rather advanced stage. She'll need to have radiation, chemo and surgery for that too.

I told my husband "I think she's trying to compete with me, I have open heart surgery, she has brain surgery- I have cervical pre-cancer, she has breast cancer"..... my hubby says to "let her win".

It's not really a laughing matter, but sometimes it helps to try to lighten things up.

Anyway, if you think of it, could you add her to your prayer list? Thanks and God Bless you, Jean
Dear Jean - your wonderful sister is in my prayers. I am so sorry to hear of her cancer(s). I know what devastating news this is for you and your family. God bless
In my thoughts

In my thoughts

Jean, I'm sending lots of positive thoughts down to Glendale (it's easy, I used to live there) and to you as well during this difficult time.
Your Sis

Your Sis

Hi Jean,

That is terrible news, but there is a lot of hope with the treatments they have today.
You may hear from Zazzy on this post. She is an inspiration to all of us as she has had to deal with both diseases and has done so with such grace and bravery!

Best of luck to your whole family,
Wishing your sister all the best. Wow, you and I sure have a lot in common. I have a brother who lives in Glendale also. Our families have had to deal with multiple members with serious health problems, and you and I both had heart surgery within a week of other in the Twin Cities--you having the same surgeon as my son. Figure the odds on those coincidences!

You are certainly in my thoughts as you and your family deal with these health challenges...prayers for the most positive outcomes possible.

Update on Sis

Update on Sis

Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement. Patty made it through her surgery with flying colors. Her husband said she knew exactly where she was and what was going on as soon as she woke up. That had to be a relief for him, I was worried about some sort of brain damage myself.

She was recovering very well yesterday, and they were talking about releasing her as soon as tomorrow, but I guess she was a little worse today, so I'm not sure.

She's got a tough road ahead of her with the breast cancer, and (this will sound like a real sob story), she has 11, yes 11 children ranging in age from 3-20 and all she could think about when I talked to her Thursday night was how she was going to get the school shopping done and how they were going to pay for it without her income for a while. Isn't that just like a mom?

My parents are leaving on Tuesday to go visit them. I think that will help.

John, it really is a small world, isn't it? We do have a lot in common, the only thing is, I don't ride a Harley!:D

Thanks again, Jean
hi jean!
i was so sorry to hear about your sister, patty's, difficulties. she will be in our thoughts and prayers. please let us know how things go with her recovery from the brain surgery and how she is with the breast cancer treatments.
she's got a long road ahead of her, but she also has so much to live and fight for (11 kids!wow!).
be well, sylvia