Post your supplication for the holiday at hand.?..

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Lord, God, King of kings, thanking you again this day, for your blessings bestowed upon us, the great vest universe and the heavenly blue skies, for all living beings, man, beast, fowl, fish, plant, insect et al.

Thank you for the yesterdays, for today and the tomorrows that may come, the abundance bestowed upon us and for your forgiveness on our transgressions on our brother and on you.

Bestow upon us the humility to ask forgiveness of those we have offended, transgressed upon, and give us the fortitude and means to repay back every cent that we may be worthy of their pardon, that we may live in their praise and in your steps.

Thank you for the love you?ve brought upon us via the heart in others' minds and for our ability and willingness to do the same without measure and expectancy of future gain.

Lord, God, King of kings, my patience and anticipation is running low, when are you to send us the messiah, your chosen brethren that will lead us to your home?

Certainly, rappers of our children, men of many wives and men that extinguish other's lives in the name of Satan, though they claim it is for 'their' God, (Satan IS their GOD!) are not what we expected from you, though we truly know the sender, the wolf in white sheep?s hide.

You promised to bring down 'the whore,' as per your teachings in your bible, --a church of massive breach, but all we see is you?ve brought down the commies, the PRI, a few drug lords, greedy Enron and Wall Street thieves.

And what about the drug lords, the killers of our child, now don't you for a moment think, that we've stopped counting all the innocents' lost lives. When are all great nations, with leaders that have a fear of God, commence this war on trashiness the pornos and their wives?

Sometimes it makes me wonder if our leaders 'are on the take,' this war on terrorism is GREAT, BUT, counting liife-for-life where have we lost the most?

Millions have been 'assasinated' by all those filthy drug lords with their drugs and what have WE ALL DONE about it, just sit there by the guidelines with hands in our pockets and a 'I can't do anything about it' attitude, in my department this is not.

Then, JUST THINK ABOUT IT, think about it for a while, who truely are the killers, but WE that let it so! WE are part of THE PROBLEM, admit it now, let's get our butts off these comfortable couches and go fight a worthy war, let's be PART OF THE SOLUTION!

The tobocco conglomerates my Lord, God, King of kings, what should we do with them, as they are but a cancer in all your beloved land, sowing filthy leaves of death all from your sacred and beloved soil.

Should we boycott all their other divisions like Del Monte sauce et al, or should we stand by and let them profit that they grow larger fields of that Satanic leaf?

Most Smokies are vainly battleing a fight to leave their foolish plight, though the secret addictive chemicals in their filthy Satanic product laced by their chemists guaranty a stranglehold on victims of their junk.

And you still ask us for our patience, Lord we are but mortal souls, we want it ?here and now,? lest we go into the spin again and end in that green house.

Lord, God, King of kings, as always we will place this in your hands, our faith in you has not diminished and we will pray and continue day by day, as long as you permit us to live at least one day at a time.

Happy Holidays, all 365 and-a-quarter!

My love and sincerest wishes for every one. God Bless ya'll

NOTE: As you can see by the bottommost notice this post has been revised and will continue to be re-edited as I can sort the crevices of this absentminded piece of brain (Yes, my memory is not the same but then again this is a subject on page two).

---Greeting Card Courtesy of Ross Y

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THX Ross Y, but....

THX Ross Y, but....

...this is not a contest of any kind, it's a place and time to post YOUR supplication to our Lord your God the King of kings (in case you should have a supplication, --I estimate AT LEAST 599 posts, we're 600 members strong you know).

God Bless all
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I'm hoping that the anger, tension and lack of understanding throughout the world will ease.

I'm hoping that we will all be kinder and gentler to our loved ones and each other.

I'm hoping that the experts we rely on, do the best job they know how to do.

I'm hoping that many medical breakthroughs happen this year.

I'm hoping that troubled spirits will get the help that they need.

I'm also hoping along with Marco, that the scourge of drugs goes away.

I'm hoping that we all have a better year.

Happy New Year to all.
THX Nancy, Angel, BUT...

THX Nancy, Angel, BUT...

...Hoping will NOT get us anywhere on its own. Let's qualify it (in parentheses) that 'for the grace of God' I am here and now and available to raise in arms in unison if called upon by the organizers, leaders et al into the battlefield to form a mighty front.

THX Angel, THX gang & god Bless
You have said it so well, La.

I pray that we will have peace on this earth, that we will not have war, that all my friends and enemies will be blessed every day, and the people that I love will be richly endowed with the things they need.
Walking Marco?

Walking Marco?

You will never get that foggy head cleared until you walk that nasty stuff out of your system..By now you should be outside doing a mile a day..Bonnie
Walking Granbonny?

Walking Granbonny?

Would the following 'qualify' for 'a mile?:

I walked only 9/10th of a mile yesterday (I had a doctor's appointment, they pulled some stiches, every other on the verticle incision and the ones for the double 'half inch' plumbing tubes), though 7/10ths were carrying 25 to 30 pounds.

If you do not give me a 'good grade' for this, I'll walk an extra mile today as 'punitive' punishment and promise it won't happen again.

As for:

"You will never get that foggy head cleared until you walk that nasty stuff out of your system..By now you should be outside doing a mile a day..Bonnie"

1) About the foggy head. I heard that you loose your memory with each anaesthesia performed on you. To my recollection I've had four. Is it true or is it just 'a fisherman's' tale?

2) And on my visit to cardiology and the coumadin lab, now that's a story for a coumadin thread for later on (as soon as I get the time).

God Bless you & God Bless all
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Hi Marco-

There is something connected with the heart-lung machine which can give a little brain fogginess. It true. It'll clear up in time.

There is a thread about the heart lung machine and read my post there. There's a good article about research into that subject.

Joe has had many difficult surgeries and has some short term memory problems. But they were getting better, until his latest set of problems.

Hey-By the way- Send Joe some of your "it", will you. He's having his problenms right now and needs some good vibes. He's seeing a specialist on Monday.
Hi Kevin M

Hi Kevin M

(Courtesy of

RE: What is a supplication?

sup·pli·cate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spl-kt)
v. sup·pli·cat·ed, sup·pli·cat·ing, sup·pli·cates
v. tr.
To ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying.
To make a humble entreaty to; beseech.

v. intr.
To make a humble, earnest petition; beg.

[Middle English supplicaten, from Latin supplicre, supplict-, from supplex, supplic-, suppliant. See supple.]
suppli·cation n.
suppli·ca·tory (-k-tôr, -tr) adj.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
[Buy it]


\Sup`pli*ca"tion\, n. [F. supplication, L. supplicatio.] 1. The act of supplicating; humble and earnest prayer, as in worship.

2. A humble petition; an earnest request; an entreaty.

3. (Rom. Antiq.) A religious solemnity observed in consequence of some military success, and also, in times of distress and danger, to avert the anger of the gods.

Syn: Entreaty; petition; solicitation; craving.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


n 1: a prayer asking God's help as part of a religious service [syn: invocation] 2: humble request for help [syn: plea] 3: the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving) [syn: prayer]

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

(Courtesy of

God Bless all
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First of all, let me start out by saying that "I thank God so very much for getting me through this last year." There is no doubt in my mind that I am here because God intervened.

I hope and pray that God gives me the knowledge and strength to accomplish whatever he has intended for me in this life.
I also pray that everyone (friend and enemy) see the true path in life and follow on that wonderful journey. We may all stumble on that path from time to time, but with God's guidance, will be back on the right path and continue the wonderful journey ahead.

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves & Others!

Happy Holidays!
Take Care!
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves & Others!

Gail, in my very young days, we had a minister who often reminded us to 'put feet on our prayers' and I have said that so often since then. He put it very aptly, didn't he? Your statement reminded me of that and it's so true but so many just don't follow that rule.
Did you do your mile today, Marco?

Did you do your mile today, Marco?

Walk, walk, walk, that nasty stuff right out of your body:D :D :D California excuses now...Go for it..Bonnie
Here's mine:

Whatever comes my way today, I ask the grace to bear it; To keep it to myself if bad, and if it's good to share it.

Zipper *~*