Went in to see my cardiologist Monday (4/12). He asked that an EKG be done prior to our consultation. When the technician finished the EKG she left immediately saying she had to see the nurse. Within 2 minutes I was surrounded by 2 nurses and a PA and was informed that they were taking me to the ER because of an elevated heart rate - 150! As I was entering Room 3 of the ER I heard over the PA system "Code Red, Room 3, Code Red, Room 3". I didn't know what Code Red was but I knew it couldn't be a good thing. Shortly an MD and several nurses and a lot of equipment appeared.
I was given adenosine and diltiazem IV and eventually my heart rate came down to 105. My cardiologist came in and said by atrial flutter was now a problem and that he would perform a transophageal echocardiogream and cardioversion (electoral shock to the heart to bring it back to rhythm) the next day. This was sucessfully done and my breathing improved significantly. Still not normal but any improvement was welcome.
Thanks for all of your helpful replies (especially those who urged me to get off my butt and see my cardiologist immediately). I think I dodged a bullet here.