Post Surgery Appointments

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Good Morning All (Or good afternoon, good evening or goodnight, depending on your location).

I'm interested, how many follow up appointments did you have, and what, if any, concerns were mentioned?

I'm almost 4 months post op, and other than my surgeon check up at 5 weeks and Cardio at 6 weeks, I was basically cleared with my next appointment in 12 months time for an echo and Cardio follow up. Is this normal, or is it dependant of how you're healing?

Both were impressed/pleased with how everything was going, my scar/ sternum was healing nicely and didn't really comment much further other than mention the need for excellent dental hygiene and what to look out for in regards to 'heart' health (palpitations, fever without having a 'cold' etc.)

One thing that has never been explained is what discomfort I should expect in regards to sternum healing. I followed my instructions, not lifting anything before 12 weeks etc etc. however I have a 'tender' spot around an inch or 2 from the top of my sternum. It's only noticeable if I turn a certain way or during certain movements, and is probably worse this week. I've had a cold this week which has resulted in an annoying couch and sneezing (sneezed yesterday and my sternum 'popped' around 5 times/no pain), played 9 holes of golf yesterday and a 1 yr old that loves to be cuddled!

Anyway, as I said it's not 'limiting' (maybe a 1-2 on the pain scale), doesn't seem to be noticeable when lifting, however when trying to pin point the pain, it seems to 'occur' when I bring my arms in towards my chest (which explains why I feel it playing golf). I can bring my arms up in front, on the side and retract my scapula and it's fine. Is this likely a bone issues, or muscle/tissue etc issue or...?

I really don't know what to do. My common sense approach is to see a Dr. instead of self diagnosing, but I also tend to think, if there appeared to be any issues with my healing at 6 weeks, I assume my dr's would've picked up on them. I'm not in agony and assume if it was a bone issue I would be in more pain, but I honestly have no idea if this is normal. To me, the discomfort doesn't warrant a Dr visit, but obviously due to what I've gone through, it may be the best way to go.

What post surgery appointments did you have (more?) and has anyone had anything similar occur?
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Hi Ryan - good morning from me here in the UK !

Post op I had discharge from cardiac surgeon at 8 weeks. I had several appointments with the cardiologist the first three months and after that the idea was for me to have annual echos and reviews with him. I've now, this year at two years post op, been changed to six monthly echos and cardiologist reviews as I developed mild left ventricular hypertrophy and my pressure gradient is increasing so he's keeping an eye on that. I've always been instructed to make an appointment with cardiologist if I get breathless or have other symptoms, but I have no symptoms, so with annual echoes they can pick things up like they did with me.

I get occasional sharp pain in my sternum where a couple of the ribs attach on the right. It is not so bad as to need any pain medication, anyway it is one of those sudden sharp type of pains when I breathe in deeply or move a certain way. I mentioned it to the cardiologist at one of my reviews and he checked the incision site and said it was costochondritis which is inflammation where some ribs attach to the sternum. He offered to refer me to someone for treatment for it but I told him I don't need any but wanted to know what it was. You might want to check with your cardiologist at your next appointment or ask your GP sooner as obviously you don't know what it is and it might not be what I have !
I've had two post op visits with my surgeon, the second at six months because I am in a research study that requires extra echoes to assess the valve. I still have some soreness on the left side if the incision area but attribute most of that to my new puppy climbing on me when I'm in a prone position. I also have numbness in the same area. I don't think you have anything to worry about but if you are concerned make an appointment to put your mind at ease.
I only had one post-op appointment with my surgeon, one appointment with my cardiologist, and one echo. My cardiologist said to have someone like my internist listen to my heart yearly to make sure I don't develop a murmur again. Otherwise there are no scheduled followups or tests of any kind. I felt a bit cast adrift, but clearly that's a good thing since they consider me to be healthy and likely to remain that way.
On the point of discomfort with the sternum, I continued to have some mild occasional pain for months, when my chest came under pressure, with a weight on top for example. It didn't hurt much and I never thought to mention it to my Cardiologist, but after about a year there was no pain at all.

I also had a pacemaker inserted, and initially it was uncomfortable to sleep on that side, but again after about a year I can now sleep on that side without noticing the PM at all.
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Thank you all for your input. I appreciate it! I'll have a chat to my Dr. when I'm next in, in a couple of weeks and see what he thinks just to be safe but I'm sure I'm ok. It seems most have had similar experiences as me too.

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