Post-op: good and bad days huh?

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Well-known member
Mar 14, 2008
South Africa - Pretoria.
Thank you to each and every one of my "family" members who replied on my 12th day message.

There will be good and bad days, huh? You all warned me against it. I really don't think I am overdoing it. Latest problem: my left arm, hand, fingers go numb! just noticed it the last week or so but it is getting worse. It starts with pins and needles and then I don't have a left arm! Xrays does not show any disk or spine problems, except for "minimal posterior osteophyrosis in lower spine". What ever that means.

Went to GP today. BP was 85/55 and HR 100. She did some more follow-up bloodtests. Overall I just don't feel well. She asked me if I experience chest pain, but that is a difficult one to answer as my chest is still sore from op.

So last 2 days, not so good.

But I am still Smiling ;)
Orrrr hang in there, sorry that you are having problems with recovery. Sending hugs and best wishes your way, hope it all passes over soon, keep smiling.
osteophyrosis --no such word that I am aware of. I believe you meant to type osteophyte, which is used to describe degenerative arthritis of the spine. More commonly it refers to bone spurs which can form and pinch nerves, or can also refer to a degenerative disc condition.

That may or may not be a contributing cause of your problem. Osteophytes do not form overnight. They are years in the making, and as such, symptoms as pain as well as intermittent numbness/tingling occur over a course of time.

It is possible that you may have experienced a brachial plexus or a cervical brachial syndrome as a result of arm position during surgery, or even a costoclavicular syndrome. I cannot take the time to explain each, look them up, read about them and discuss with your doctor.

I am only guessing and this cannot be taken as personal medical advice. You need to discuss this with your own physician.

I must stress, however, and I see this repeated throughout the forum--please ask your doctor to describe any words or terms that you do not understand.

Your X-rays obviously do show a degenerative spinal and/or disc problem. A next step might be MRI. Please don't let your doctor blow off these x-ray findings as "nothing".
I had occasional arm numbness during the first year or so post op. It would come on after over use of the arm or having it in a strange position too long. Make sure to rest often and follow up with your doctor, good luck.
I am 5 months post-op and I had varying degrees of numbness that would come and go. Dcotors said it was from moving around in your chest and disturbing the various nerve bundles as well as ripping through some of the nerves with the incisions. My numbness/tingling episodes are getting further and further apart and the feeling always comes back. Doctors said not to worry, so I don't. :cool:
first few weeks post-op I experienced pins and needs in both hands from time to time but changing positions seemed to clear it. I've had other issues with my back and left shoulder that after X-ray and CT scan showed nothing internally. Docs said is was muscular/skeletal and that I needed to see a physical therapist about. Im a stomach sleeper and have been forced on my back because of the incision so Im chalking alot of these things up to having to sleep in a different position.
hey smiley

hey smiley

Smiley2000 said:
Thank you to each and every one of my "family" members who replied on my 12th day message.

There will be good and bad days, huh? You all warned me against it. I really don't think I am overdoing it. Latest problem: my left arm, hand, fingers go numb! just noticed it the last week or so but it is getting worse. It starts with pins and needles and then I don't have a left arm! Xrays does not show any disk or spine problems, except for "minimal posterior osteophyrosis in lower spine". What ever that means.

Went to GP today. BP was 85/55 and HR 100. She did some more follow-up bloodtests. Overall I just don't feel well. She asked me if I experience chest pain, but that is a difficult one to answer as my chest is still sore from op.

So last 2 days, not so good.

But I am still Smiling ;)

I had my Mitral valve repaired on March 14 and after I did not feel very good too. My blood pressure was low like yours and my heart rate was high minimum of 100 most time 110 to 120. I had fevers was tired and was dizzy everytime I got up. went to my cardiologist he did an echo and it turns out I had Pericardial effusion which is an accumulation of fluid in the sac around the heart. When I spoke with my surgeon after they drained the fluids (3 days in hospital) he asked me why I did not complain sooner. I told him I had never had had heart surgery and thought that this was normal. The day before I went to the cardiologist I went to my general practinioner and she did not have a clue and thought I was anemic.

I too still get numbs on my extremeties sometimes.

Good luck I feel your pain I am 2 weeks ahead of you and I am feeling good. I started working (farming citrus) on monday. I am happy that this might be over. I was in full despair when they were draining my heart 2 weeks ago. But that is when I started feeling better. I will be thinking of you:)
I am post op 5weeks. One week after surgery my left shoulder froze up and was causing Severe pain, I can take pain, this was beyond. Then it went to my right shoulder. I asked my surgeon and he explained do to the length of the surgery, the position of your arms (out stretched), and the opening of the chest effects many muscles and nerves. He also said it would go back and forth which it did, some research on the internet called it "frozen shoulder". My friend called me a tyrannosarus becuase i could only bend my arms at the elbow..... Mine has finaly gone away after 3-weeks.

My roomate in the hospital had exactly the same symptoms as you Smiley2000, he barley could pick up a glass, and again the surgeon told him it was normal and would go away.

This major surgeries effect our bodies in many ways, hope you feel better soon.
It's been a little over a year since my surgery. I had minimally invasive mitral valve repair. Everything about my surgery went exactly as I had issues, no real pain, went in on a Wednesday home on Sunday. I really thought I had 'lucked out'. Then came the heart flutter a couple of weeks after my surgery, reaction to the heart rhythm drug, heart weakness. It really is a roller coaster that first year. One day you feel full of energy, the next tired and worn out. Now I am feeling what I was hoping for - better than I did before the surgery.
