I grew up with migraines, and stopped getting the painful part a few decades ago, but I occasionally still get the visual auras. I told my anesthesiologist that I did NOT want to get any more of them post-op, and he said he'd make some accommodations (though he may have been humoring me, as I've discussed elsewhere). Just recently, around 2 months post-op, I got my first little aura post-op. No complaints so far.
I only got one dose of narcotics (2ml of morphine) post-op, and it gave me strange visual effects that were a bit like a migraine aura, though different. The morphine effect was more like a digital-video problem, with part of the "picture" instantly "snapping" to a different brightness level. Sometimes a video image on a computer or a PVR, or a TV with a bad signal (I saw a few of those on an airplane recently) suddenly gets a good, clear patch where there had been "static" before. I never actually saw the "static", but I repeatedly had the impression that a patch had suddenly become good and clear. I think this interesting nuisance effect lasted about a day after my injection, then went away.