Pnemonia shots?

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I've got post-op complications, and my Family practice doctor told me, "quit shrugging this off and get the shot. Pneumonia is apt to kill you."
So I got the shot!:eek:
My PCP was very definite she wanted me to have it and I did. I also have a flu shot annually.
My mom just asked me about this today and here is a post for it....good timing! When do you get the shot? Is it in the fall like the flu vaccine?

Someone with a valve replacement might also get a pneumonia shot prior to going into hospital for any type of stay. When Al was admitted to hospital last October for 10 days, they asked if his pneumonia shot was up to date.

We also get pneumonia shots every 5 years. We usually get them in fall with the flu shots. Both types of shorts are covered by Medicare for us.

My Surgeon suggested I have one before my OHS, so I did and then every 5 years after. We will see when the 5 years comes up if I'll have another one.
I hate the needle, try to avoid that point!!!! :eek:
H-m-m-m. Maybe I need to rethink this. I have always refused pneumonia and flu shots. Anyone else?
My doctors are insistent about flu shots annually. Such an easy thing to do for potentially much protection. (Yes.... I remember they had the wrong formulation last winter but that doesn't happen all that often.)
Each year this comes up and only last week my mum asked me if I had gotten a shot...I had thought about it and left it at that..I didnt really put myself in the "at risk" category....probably scared of the needle too...silly really because when I get my inr done I watch the nurse and have no troubles...its probably too late now for us Aussies for a flu shot...I have never heard of the pneumonia shot?!
My general physician told me he was giving me one when I got my flu shot a couple years ago.
I got the pneumonia vaccine and get a 'flu shot every year since my mech valve was put in. GP recommended it. No big deal, I go in every month for an INR anyway.
I got the pneumonia vaccine and get a 'flu shot every year since my mech valve was put in. GP recommended it. No big deal,

I didn't start getting the vaccines until I got my current PCP(10yearsago?) I haven't been very sick with anything since.:)
What would be the reason to NOT have the pneumonia shot? No one has mentioned any negative experiences relating to it.