Please Pray for Hannah!

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
We would greatly appreciate your prayers and/or best thoughts this morning for our 5-year-old granddaughter Hannah, who lives next door to us. She woke up this morning with a temp of 104 and throwing up violently. My son and DIL strongly suspect that she has contracted the swine flu, and they have rushed her to the ER. She is a precious little girl (and a great soccer player as we have discovered this fall), and we all love her dearly.

We also want to be able to help in every way we can when she comes home. Should I go buy some surgical masks to try to protect the rest of us? I guess we need to ask the advice of all our doctors. Ironically, my DW and I are scheduled to get our shots for the regular seasonal flu this afternoon.

The prayers of the family will be greatly appreciated!
My thoughts are with you and Hannah. Getting her to help rapidly was a good thing.

The masks are likely unnecessary. Viruses are mostly spread in the days just before the real illness comes on. By the time she comes home, she's much more likely to immunize you against the flu than cause it. She'll be shedding dead viruses, not live ones.

I would stay out of her home for a while. Lots of germs loose there, especially on doorknobs and surfaces. And keep a polite distance from her parents if you can, who are thoroughly exposed. It's hard to do with those you love, but you don't want them to wind up hovering over you, too, in a hospital room.

If you can get them, get flu shots, both the H1N1 and the "regular" flu, ASAP. If she's got it, others around have it as well.

Again, my thoughts are with your family.

Best wishes,
She has mine also. It wouldn't hurt to have those masks, but wait for a diagnosis before jumping to conclusions. Those masks will come in handy some time this year.
Thanks to all. When my wife saw our doc last week, he indicated the H1N1 vaccine, when it becomes available, will not be recommended for over-65 folks like us. For once, we are not in a high risk group for that (just everything else. :D ) We will get the regular flu shot this afternoon and I will garner whatever other advice we can then.
I will have Hannah, in my thoughts and prayers! Prayers for you and the rest of the family too.

Hannah is in my prayers, along with the rest of your family.

Sounds like your son's house will need to be gone over (solid surfaces) with disinfectants and sanitizers. The family can buy the disinfectant cloths. Also, a 1:32 bleach/water solution is good too. I think there are some bleaches that are not as strong smelling as the traditional.

I saw somewhere -- on TV perhaps -- that the H1N1 virus will survive for 2-8 hours. But I'm not sure if what is true in the lab holds true in the field.

Keep us posted on Hannah.
I'm very sorry to read that Hannah has become so ill, and I know the possibility that it's the swine flu is scary. If it were my granddaughter, I would have been beside myself from the get go.
Hannah is in my prayers and with your permission I will contact a prayer group I'm associated with so she is added to theirs also.
granddaughter is getting over swine flu. she was hospitalized and quarantined. her mother and husband could go in her room, but with masks only; provided by hospital staff who also wore them. it is highly contagious so you might want masks for home use just in case, tho my granddaughter's family didn't wear them at home that I know of. My daughter visited them rarely for her own safety.

from the outset of her illness her doctor treated it as swine flu because it takes awhile to get the blood test results back. in gdaughter's case, she had loaned her cell phone to a friend who was sick, had blood test already done at health dept and it had come back positive - so those of you who are reading, don't loan out your cell phone.

read an article that says clean hands are our best protection. some stores here in Atlanta and surrounding towns provide wipes when you go in so you can clean off the baskets you use - like in WalMart and grocery stores. I use them faithfully.

and yes, of course, your wee Hannah is in my prayers. Blessins.........
Will do. We had our first case in our church. It is with an 11 year old. One of the elementary schools in our county had 16 third graders out a total of 51 all out sick. I haven't heard that it was swine flu but once a bug gets in a classroom it really spreads. Kids are so touchy with each other and don't care about having "personal space". It is something so precious about kids but it also sets the stage for communal outbreaks.
I greatly appreciate all the good wishes and prayers. Hannah and her mother are back from the hospital. The doctor was sure it was neither swine flu nor regular seasonal flu. I don't quite underatand how he can be so sure -- doesn't it take some time to get results back? Anyway, I hope and pray he is right that it was just a garden-variety 12- or 24-hour bug. I don't think the little gal feels much better yet. A temp of 104 was alarming. She will certainly get constant attentive care here.

Ann, appreciate it, and continue to send prayers for your granddaughter.
OMG! I am sending my prayers to little Hannah---praying hard that she will overcome whatever ails her.

Please keep us posted on her condition & prayers to all of you!

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