Please keep Hensylee in your prayers today

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Please remember Hensylee today as she goes through surgery and say a prayer for her.

Ann... Get well soon.... I have every body part that is crossable crossed for you!!! You have always been here for me... now please allow me to help you through this journey.

God Bless
Update on Henslyee from her son

Update on Henslyee from her son

Hi all...this is Chuck...Ann's (Henslyee's) son. She wanted me to update everyone on the board as soon as we had news. Her surgery went fine and it ended up being her Adrenal (sp?) gland that the growth was on rather than her kidney as the doctors originally thought. They removed the adrenal gland and the growth was NOT cancerous. So far the doctors say everything is OK. Both of my sisters are with her at the hospital and she is now out of recovery and in her own room and feeling well enough to tell my sisters to call me and let me know to post the news on this site so all her friends know she is OK From what I hear, this surgery was not nearly as bad as having to remove a kidney, so her recovery should be quicker and hopefully she will be back on her feet soon. I'm surprised she has not asked for intenet access in her room so she can post here herself yet.

Thanks to all for your support and prayers.

Great news. And good to hear it so soon. What a relief for Ann's family. I pray now for a speedy recovery.