Pictures of my two best friends...

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Praline Supporter
Supporting Member
Dec 18, 2005
The French Bulldog was John's dog.Yes, he is BIG. He is really oversided. We got him 6 years ago, the same summer his son died. He is named Mike, his son's middle name was Michael. He was John's shadow..John went outside,he went outside. John came in, he came in. Last week when I came back from MA and picked him up at the kennel, he walked all around the
The Springer is 4 years old. He is my wild child..I swear he is ADHD. lol He is sitting at my feet under the computer right now. At night, he sleep by my bedroom door.
They are such good company. I am glad I have them , especially at
Your doggie kids are very handsome.....a brindle frenchie, nice.
And you know I would kiss your springer on the lips :D

I have many animals, but I am kind of lost since my horse passed away 3 years ago.....He had the softest velvet nose.
I'm with you. I just can not see myself without my companion animals. I always have some who live with us, some whom we foster for a bit, and some ferals who live in our yard. We just adore our cats. They help us remember how special our lives are.
Hi Praline

Great dog's,

We had a Doberman called Bruce for almost 11 years, and we still miss him
an animal is a great addition to any home.

as you know I have no grandchildren just three grand rabbits,

Kevin and Karen have Freddie and Beau

Rob and Gail have Rocker a beautiful whilte rabbit with black markings ( like a dalmatian )
Rocker was abandoned by his owner and found his way into their garden, then into their house and now their hearts.


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