Photos Of Feathered Friends

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skeptic49 Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
Philadelphia, PA and Cherry Grove, Fire Is. NY
I opened up our summer cottage a couple of weeks ago located within the Fire Island National Seashore. One of the joys of early Spring for this city dweller are the colorful visitors to the bird feeder, which I keep well stocked when I'm there.




Oh my gosh...!

Oh my gosh...!

Marvelous pictures you've got there. Now we need to play "Name That Bird".:D

Ok, here ya go even though I'm not a fancy photographer like Jim...hehehe. The mama martin is on top of the house and papa is below her on the left. That's a decoy in front. They're singing up a storm on this gorgeous morning in the Texas Hill Country..!
Wow! a cardinal..the mascot of Univ of Louisville. I have been told
you can make a wish when you see one. So,I guess you get a wish.
Nice to get out of the city.. I should get my yearly sojourn this May,
very happily too!
Thanks for sharing some nature with us:)

Btw -what are the other birds pictured,do you know their names?
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WOW! Jim,

They can be made postcards....especially the first one! Very nice...enjoy and thanks for feeding them. We have lots of crows around us and I feed them, but my hubby does not like it as he thinks they do not deserve it since he saw one crow stealing a baby bird from a nest on a tree across our street! But I still do.
Jim, those are exquisite photos! As if they were just waiting for you to come along and snap their picture!

Can you identify them? Obviously cardinals. Then finches. Is the black bird with the orange stripe a tanager? And the black shimmery ones, are those the purple martins that ShezaGirl has? They look like our starlings.

My husband and I nearly drove off the road yesterday; we saw a bald eagle. It was in a very unusual, but believable place, soaring above suburbia. Our Willamette River is less than a mile away and our homes are above 500 feet with deep woods and open fields all mixed in. It was very sunny and the largeness of the bird and his bright white head... just amazing.

I'm still trying to get a good photo of "my heron" down the street. He was out in all his pompous glory today when I drove by, but by the time I got my camera and walked back the 300 feet to the pond, he had gone.

Please continue to share your lovely photos!

Can you identify them? Obviously cardinals. Then finches. Is the black bird with the orange stripe a tanager? And the black shimmery ones, are those the purple martins that ShezaGirl has? They look like our starlings.

HI Margurite and all,

Thanks for ythe kind comments. Good luck getting a photo of your Heron...I've been trying for years to get a shot of one near me.

The birds in my photos are a Cardinal pair in the first, a female Cardinal in the second photo. then a House Finch (with the red coloring) and a sparrow, and finally the iridescent birds are Grackles, and the black bird with the red and yellow on his or her wing is a Red-Winged Blackbird.

I think I posted this on another thread, but it may be worthy of this thread too....we have hundreds of Canada Geese on the little river behind our house.
Great pics Jim.:)

Yes, I'm going to move my heron silhouette over to this thread, too. And ShezaGirl or Betty need to get close to their Purple Martins and share a photo with us (please). I'm sure Dennis must have some birds in New Mexico!!! :rolleyes:

Here is my heron departing before I could engage my digital zoom and get a decent shot of him.

:) Marguerite
I think this should be a permanent thread! Keep em coming folks!

I agree, Brian! I know we have lots of budding photographers! Hope we can amass a nice collection here.

GREAT start, Jim!! How did you get your photos to all to show up so large? I've been using "manage attachements".

no robins there yet. hang on, they are comin. they have passed nw Fl and are in Atlanta now........

lovely cardinals but what are the blue/black ones?
I saw 2 robins in Central Park last month,I was surprised since I thought
it was alittle early for them..but there they were.
And I think he said the shiny black ones are Grackles(?)

BTW,I once found a baby bird in the street that had been abandoned
by parents,I don't think the mom could get to her since she was in a crowded area.
So I did a risky thing and took her home,fed her from a dropper,kept
her warm in a box under a lamp,gaver constant attention,and she made it.
When she could fly,I opened the window to see if she wanted her freedom,
I left it open everyday for weeks and she never ventured out.
So she became part of the family and was allowed to leave her cage for hours
everyday to fly around the house, She (Maxi) was very friendly and would
sit on my shoulder. She also danced to music..she especially liked perky
violins,her fav was a song on 'Last of the Mohicans' sound track.
Maxi was with me for 8 years,a very sweet birdie.