Peachy OK after OP

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just to let everyone know peachy is doing well after her valve replacement and should be out of I.T.U by Tuesday :))

LtCdData (peachy's other 1/2)
DElighted to hear this Peachy !

DElighted to hear this Peachy !

hey thanks for posting ..was wondering all day how things went ...send Peachy my love and best wishes for a speedy recovery ....will keep her in my prayers
Dear Other 1/2 - Thanks for letting us know. We always wait anxiously to hear when one of us is in surgery. We know you will be by her side through this.

Peachy - knew you'd come through w/flying colors. And in another day, they'll jerk those tubes right out and make you get up and walk! Cruel, huh? Hang in, and you'll be right as rain pretty soon. Hang on to your pillow. Love to you. God bless
Glad that the big day is over and that you are doing well:) It only gets better now!!Thank you for posting..we always like to know that "one of us" is over the Mountain!!
Great news! Please give Peachy my love and tell her that I'm praying everyday for her!

Take care,

P.S. Tell her not to slap the doc too hard when they yank those tubes out!!! :eek:
Hi, Peachy!

Hi, Peachy!

We told you that you'd fly through this. Congratulations and don't forget not to sneeze for the next 3 months! Grab that pillow and hug it if you do! Have fun feeling better and better as the days and months go by!
Great news and thanks for the update. I hope Peachy is out of the ITU at this point. The rest is all uphill.
Hey Peachy - just a note to tell you I was thinking of you. Yesterday I had a CT scan which takes about 20 mins and had to be very still - that's when I did my praying for everybody, you included. Guess you're beginning to know you had surgery by now. Not to worry, this, too shall pass and before long you will be feeling well again. God bless


Glad you came through and now your life has really only just begun. A new leash on life you have now. Use it wisely and take it easy and don't rush the recovery. Hang in there and you will be just fine.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
COngrats to Peachy!
Give her my best. I am pleased for her.

Now tell her we have to meet when David and I come back over to Glasgow in June!

Best of luck to you both