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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Just wanted to "talk" a little. I've been feeling lately that I have been getting overly paranoid at the least little thing. I mean, would a "normal" person freak out about a little finger twitch? I feel like I'm blowing everything out of proportion. I'm not even sure that my troubles with talking were as bad as I thought they were at the time. I know that the docs are investigating, and that SOMETHING did show up in my echo, but now that I know that I'm so anxious that I get chest pains if I think about it. The doctors said it was okay to wait until Monday for the TEE, but I feel like I might not last that long... (though I don't really have time in my schedule until then). The EP said they could perscribe something for the anxiety, because it is understandable for me to be anxious about all that is happening, but I REALLY don't want to take yet another med.

I went through this exact same cycle of feelings back in February, after being told I would need surgery. Every little thing became a "symptom" and I even ended up in the ER twice, only to be told that it was stress and anxiety. The ER doc was REALLY nice, and even sat down to talk to me about my anxiety and "what is the worst thing that could happen" scenario. But even knowing this from last time, I can't seem to stop myself from panicing. I guess what I'm afraid of most is that whatever is going on will lead to either 1. another surgery, 2. a stroke, or 3. speed up the need for transplant. None of which I want to face right now. Especially since my hubby is currently unemployed and going back to school, so I HAVE to be at work so we can have money to pay the rent, buy groceries, and pay the bills (which is hard enough to do already).

Anyway, I just needed to get that out. Thanks for listening.
Hi Niki-

Nobody wants to go on another med, but if you are so uncomfortable, why suffer when there are some really good meds that can help your anxiety?

I'm not a firm believer of the "tough it out" mind set. I feel you have enough to worry about with everything going on, and to get a little help to get over the hard spot can only make a positive change in your life.

So, in my opinion, call the doc and allow him to help you relax a little. You "deserve a break today".

I wish you well, and please do call the doc.


Hi Niki,

I just wanted you to know that anxiety is very normal for us heart patients. I've been suffering from anxiety for over 2 years. (Been in the ER 3x for it) Then finally one smart doctor suggested I go see someone. I've been seeing a psychiatrist every week since then. I also went on Xanax, which to me is a miracle drug and I don't know where I would be without it. Xanax does not interact with my coumadin or Toprol and the other several meds I take. It's fast acting, So once you feel anxiety coming take the xanax and it works in about 15-20 mins. I know you have a busy schedule with work but like others said You come first and it wouldn't hurt to go see someone, Or even your PCP can prescribe it. I'm very lucky to have my boyfriend, He's a pharmacist and knows all about my drug history. I hope you find some help soon because I know how horrible anxiety can be. Take Care for now and I wish you all the best for Monday.
Prior to both my surgeries I ended up in the ER from an anxiety attack. The really odd thing was that the second time, I got the feeling that I knew it was an anxiety attack, but that didn't stop its onset.

These feelings are very frightening. Know that you are not alone in feeling them, ok?

It's ok to feel strange and upset.
I agree with others here that it's sometimes worth getting something to help you deal with the anxiety. I don't like meds anymore than you do, but sometimes you have to just do it so you can get through this.

It's tortureous to feel that afraid, particularly if it's on an ongoing basis.

Don't feel bad about trying to get some help with this. It's temporary and it does not mean that you'll be on anti-anxiety drugs forever.

Keep venting here. That's what we're all here for.
Actually, I'm the cause of all of your anxieties! Just ask Hank! But you all knew that already didn't you?
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Boy, can I relate to your anxiety problem. I started having problems with anxiety disorder when I was in my very early 20's. I am now 34. I tried toughing it out for five years because I didn't like taking drugs. It just kept getting worse for me. I knew anxiety was the problem but I always seemed to think I could handle it. I finally saw a counselor that specializes in anxiety and my PCP prescribed me with Paxil. I am now on Prozac because it was better to take when I was pregnant. Once I took meds to help me, I thought, boy, why didn't I do this sooner. I felt so much better. More like myself. I truely believe that if I hadn't been on Prozac during this whole heart business, I would have been even a bigger mess than I was. You can't rely totally on drugs. They help you to get through it. Some people do really well with the combination of meds and therapy. Believe me, I really can relate to how you are feeling. If you ever need to talk, please PM me. Sometimes it feels better to be able to talk to someone else who has gone through the same thing. Things do and will get better. They really do.

Take Care!