Paperwork is in the mail

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jax Supporter
Supporting Member
May 7, 2009
Green Springs, ohio
Well I went to see my new family doctor yesterday and while there she filled my paperwork out for a coaguchek. So now it is in the mail on it's way to QAS. She is real young which concerns me a little but compared to my old doctor she already knew of the monitors just not that they were available for home use. I'm glad that she knew of them which I believe made it easier for me to convince her to let me have one. Now the next hurdle getting the insurance company to approve it. Anyway I'm just happy that now the ball is finally rolling and hopefully I will have it by christmas.

Who is your insurance carrier?

When I got my first one, QAS called me to let me know that it had been approved and how much my co-pay would be -- if any. As it turned out, UHC covered my tester machine 100% and I got it about 2-3 weeks later, I think. It arrived the day before Thanksgiving Day, so I had a lot to give thanks for :D.

When I decided to get a new, more compact one with batteries that I could replace, I weighed going through insurance and buying it outright, then applying for reimbursement.
When I saw that I would ultimately save some $$ and because I had the ca$h on hand, I bought it outright, saving $1,000 on the purchase price, which reduced my co-pay. I received it about 48 hours after forking over my CC number to QAS.

I brought my INRatio to work with me today and ran a test while seated at my desk. No one knew what I was doing........... :)
I love my coaguchek. It's such a relief not to have to go for blood tests with that needle. You will love it.
My carrier is cigna. Although I haven't had a problem with them in the last 8 years you never know what might happen. I know the plan that the hubby has through work is one of the better ones they offer I don't know a lot of details. I really hope that my wait is only 2 to 3 weeks but I'll just be happy it gets approved and I don't have the hassle of going to the hospital to get blood drawn since they just can't seem to get me regulated.
Jackie,the waiting is hard for this as ohs but the freedom and safety
of doing your own inrs is heaven sent...i cant wait for you either(excited)
you will luv it......darn vampires at the lab:mad:
I really hope that my wait is only 2 to 3 weeks but I'll just be happy it gets approved and I don't have the hassle of going to the hospital to get blood drawn since they just can't seem to get me regulated.

Most likely they can't get you regulated because they don't know what they're doing or they're testing you too frequently.

I tested while at work yesterday and it was 3.8. One week ago it was 3.2. Some doctors/nurses/techs would have ordered me to cut my dose (or worse HOLD :eek: ), but I'm continuing with my 6X3 + 5.5X4 dosage schedule because it's worked good for the last 5-6 weeks.

Just arm yourself with an algorithm chart that is easy for you to understand and use (Al Lodwick's is for me, with adjustments in percentages) and a diary or calendar you use only to record INRs and dosage changes. You can find some Coumadin diaries on the internet. QAS has one at its website.

BTW, I have a 1G flash drive for all my health records (TEEs, echoes, annual blood work, chart records -- PLUS a copy of Al Lodwick's algorithm chart (just in case I lose the hard copy!), QAS' Coumadin diary and articles about warfarin and anticoagulation therapy management. Anything I find of interest is downloaded to the flash drive. It's on a ribbon lanyard with my cell number in permanent ink on the ribbon, and there's a e-file folder labeled "PROPERTY OF" with my name, cell number, work number, home number. I've had to hunt for the ribbon lanyards (found these in several colors at a Micro Center store in Dallas).
My next project is to computerize my INRs and dosages; right now they're in booklets provided by makers of Coumadin.

Hope the above gives you some ideas for organizing things when you get your tester. I was soooooooooo excited when I got my ProTime 3. It was like getting the key to take handcuffs off, or taking the ball & chain off my ankle! ;)
Well I am still waiting to here something from QAS. Been almost a month. And I admit I am getting anxious to hear something anything at this point. I have been able to refrain from calling to find out the status of everything although I have wanted to on occasion. Just so that I would have an idea how things were going and whether my insurance company (cigna) was giving them a hard time about it. Anyway just posting because I am getting anxious about hearing something.
Thanks marsha. Took your advice and called them. Apparently the fact that my doctor checked off mechanical heart valve was not good enough for the insurance company. The rep is working with the doctors office for a new diagnosis so they can resubmit it to insurance. So who knows how long that is going to take. Hopefully not too long.

Don't remember what all my doctor checked off, but it was more than just the fact that I have a mechanical.

I looked at the CoaguChek form at QAS' website, and there's a place where the doctor can add detailed information (under primary diagnosis/medical historoy and explanations). If your doctor will order you to test once a week, that certainly helps. That frequency bit certainly helps.
I know that she put me down for weekly testing and unstable inr. But I don't think she wrote anything down except checking off mechanical heart valve. So maybe because she didn't write anything else down that is why there is a hold up.
I ordered my moniter the next week after getting home from the hospital. I called and got a call back about a month later. The guy there told me that BCBS ins requires 90 days post-op before you can order one, but QAS is going to submit it to ins at exactly 90 days and he said I will have it 3 weeks later, so probably right before or after Thanksgiving. I'm excited about it and the freedom associated with it.
I hope that I have mine by thanksgiving. My 3 months of waiting was up the end of august. Wish I had looked at the paperwork before I sent it in closer to see if I needed the doc to fill anything else in. Cuz now I have to rely on qas and the doc to get it done and the doctors don't move that quick. Hoping to hear something again soon.
I just got a letter from Philips in the mail on Thursday saying how they had received the paperwork from my cardio & they are just waiting on insurance approval.

Smooth sailing so far, but the insurance company could rock the boat. :eek:
I'll give it another couple of weeks and if I don't hear anything by then I will call them again to see if my doc has given a diagnosis yet and see where it stands. If she hasn't then I will call the doctors office and see what the hold up is. I know my doctor is busy and all but I certainly hope that it doesn't come down to me having to call her office to get the ball rolling again.
QAS should be doing everything they can. It is in their best interest to get you a monitor as soon as it is humanly possible. They have a massive staff of people that do nothing other than deal with Dr's and Insurance Companies each and every day..
It really isn't QAS I am worried about. It is my doctors office. And the main reason being they have dragged their feet in the past when it comes to getting me my inr results and things like that. One time it took me stopping into the doctors office and having them call the hospital for my results. So it is just past experiences at the doctors office that has me concerned about them dragging their feet on this.
Talked to my doctor yesterday when I called for my inr results. I have been bridging all week. She asked if I've had any luck with getting a machine so I filled her in on the conversation with the customer service person at QAS and how they said they were working with her for a diagnosis. Apparently she hasn't heard anything from then and said that she would have no problem giving them the information they need and to have them fax her something. So tomorrow I will have to call QAS back again. Someone is dragging their feet just have to figure out who. I would like to have my machine by christmas. And at this rate its not looking good.