Panic attacks

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Just wondering if anyone else experiences panic attacks along with minor palpation's?

Granted, I have not been feeling well with a neck and shoulder injury for the last few weeks. Under a lot of stress for various other reasons too. My valve checked out fine a month ago.... so chances are it's not that.

I have had one attack daily for the past three days that come on long after the series of events leading up to my anxiety are long over. Just did the breathing into the paper bag thing and it helped. I do have an RX for Xanax which I usually do not take or need.

Would have these epsiodes in my teens when my valve was not in that bad of shape. Calling the doctor may be in order if it continues. :(
I'm not alot of help here. I've had one not to awfully long ago during my period of coughing up blood. I was driving and started a pretty good bleeding episode that sent me into my first full blown panic attack. Scared the crap out of me so bad that I didn't even try to drive for 2 weeks. Just getting near the car and thinking of getting in it sent my heart rate on the rampage. I know fear triggers mine. I don't know if that's true for everyone.

You say you've been having quite a few. I think you need to stop messing around with them and either take the Xanax or talk to the Doc. I used to snicker about people having them. I snicker NO more. It's not funny at all.
Thanks Ross. Did you find the reason for the coughing up blood? I may have missed your outcome post. Any news on your echo?

Bowed down and took the pill. I am more relaxed now, pacs have diminished. It works fast and the feeling is gone. Tired now. Thankfully the little one is at camp this week.

We had some unexpected family issues on my husband side. Along with his insane schedule (much like our friend Hanks) I carry his burdens along with mine. God only gives us what we can handle. It's a darn shame some of us have to medicate ourselves to get through it.

I really don't like doing that. Was so scared that I unlocked the door in case the paramedics had to come in. :(. Much better now. I am ok. Thanks for listening
Hi Gina,

Glad to hear that your Xanax is working. It is always so scary to have something like that going on, and not feel able to control it, know the cause/trigger, etc. Be good to yourself in the midst of your stress. Make sure you are finding some time for YOU, and don't worry if you are having to take your pills - that is what they are there for. We are lucky to have a little help when we need it. I'll keep you in my prayers.

No Gina there isn't a definitive cause for the bleeding, but while talking to my Cardiologist, he said that it's bound to happen. He said between darn little air circulating in my lungs and the constant flow of oxygen, even at 3 LPM and humidified, it's drying things out pretty badly. If the large bleeds continue to reoccur, I'll have no choice but to see the pulmonologist and most likely the bronchoscopy that I so desperately do not want. It's not a good situation no matter how it's looked upon, but one I must deal with.

I have to call about the results of the Echo on Thursday. I hope to have an answer, but this is a Cardiologist were talking about.

I know after my attack that day, it screwed me up badly for almost 36 hours. All I wanted to do was rest.
Sorry to hear

Sorry to hear


I am so sorry you have been having these attacks. They are not fun at all. I used to have them in my teenage years, after my father passed away. The meds are a lot better now then back then! Like they have already said take the meds until you figure out the cause. After much searching I figured out it was the fear of losing my mother also.

Hope you find your trigger.

Take Care,
Hi Gina, I'm sorry sorry to hear about your experience with the panic attacks. I've had quite a few in the past 3-4 years. Maybe it's a teenage thing. I think sometimes things just get too tough. I take xanax daily and I honestly don't know what I would do without it. So, Take a xanax, relax and rest. Take care of you. Let us know how you're feeling.
Hi Gina-

I'm sorry to hear about the panic attacks. But I'm very glad to hear that the Xanax worked for you. That's the right thing to do. Then you won't be anticipating the prospect of another attack. You'll know that there is something that will help.

Take care and God Bless
Ross - D____ my friend, that sounds pretty scary. When will you see the pulmonologist ? Post surgery, I kept pulling the oxygen thingy out of my nose because it was uncomfortable and caused me to have nosebleeds -the nurse kept monitoring my oxygen level and kept putting the d___ thing back in. What can they do to keep you in a minimal bleeding condition ??? Chris
hi gina!
i'm sorry you are going through these panic attacks.
atleast you have the xanax and it helps.

i went to a phobia clinic about 16 years ago and learned a few interesting ways to cope with fears.
some of the folks in my group, however, were unable to use the "tools" and took xanax. it was very effective for them.

i hope you feel better.
be well, sylvia

are you still coughing up blood? i worry about you!!
Gina, panic attacks are really the pits because they are so uncontrollable. I have had a few in the last 2-3 years. At least I think that is what they were--my heart would pound, then I would sort of lose sight of myself--almost like out of body, but not really. Always would happen at work and I so hoped no one came in. Then when it passed, I just wanted to lie down on the floor and go to sleep!! Very scary. Glad your Xanax is working for you. I relied on a nice glass of Merlot or Chardonnay when I got home! Hang in there....Susan:cool:
Thank you very much for all of your responses. The attacks are sudden and unexpected...long after a stressful event. Guess it just builds up. Feeling much better tonight.

Scary because it makes me think there is something wrong with blood flow to the brain. They tell me my valve is fine, so will just move along and pray that feeling does not return.

Thank you again. Don't know what I would do without your thoughtful words. Nobody understands like we do!
Power in numbers :)
Hi Gina,
I am very new to this sight and have gotten such a great response already that I'm glad I can contribute. Like you I suffer these attacks - especially at night. I also hate to rely on medication and have fought endlessly to try not to have to take them. I discovered that the more I fought the worse it was and you become exhausted. Take the Xanax when needed and get the sleep you need. I am no doctor but you will find the more rest and relaxation you get the less these attacks will come. I noticed when I let myself go for days and even weeks without proper rest the panic and anxiety was overwhelming and effected
many aspects of my life.
Just remember you are not weak for getting help (that was what I thought ) - on the contrary it takes a strong person to recognize they need it and ask.
Like my husband reminds this is just one hurdle in life and you WILL get over it.


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