New member
I'm almost 5 weeks post op from Mitravalve Repair and stent. 10 days ago I started experiencing severe pain on my left breast. I thought I might have lifted something too heavy so I kinda blew it off. I saw my Primary Care Physician and he gave me anti inflammatory cream and did an EKG. EKG was fine but lotion did nothing. On day 7 after letting my cardio rehab people know about this they got an order for an Echo and that showed no build up of fluid around the heart. Came back to cardio on Monday with pain even worse and they told me no PT until I find out what the pain is.
Has anyone else gone thru this? Can you offer some advice? Right now I'm almost at the point of going to ER to get answers. I've got calls in to my surgeon and my cardiologist but no return calls yet.
Has anyone else gone thru this? Can you offer some advice? Right now I'm almost at the point of going to ER to get answers. I've got calls in to my surgeon and my cardiologist but no return calls yet.