Pain in Sternum from 2nd Surgery --- more or less than the first?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi Everyone,

Something that I noticed during my stay at the hospital - Post Surgery. My sternum pain did not seem to be as great as it was for my first AVR surgery. Ben and I actually discussed this, and based on the fact that he noticed both of my hands being able to go over my head, and and comb my hair, and also that I did not seem to need the pillow as much when I coughed, and even when I did, the pain was not as intense as the first time. Even last night I was able to turn onto my side and sleep for a while in that position.

Ben and I concluded that perhaps since the surgeons cut down the same earlier incision path, that this may have helped. Our conclusion is that due to the fact the the first surgery cut, clearly severed numberous nerve endings, and since these were still severed, that this may be the reason for my 2nd surgery not feeling as bad from an insision standpoint.

All the best,
That is exactly the same for me.
When I saw my surgeon before my second OHS with him, I told him my sternum had been sore the full four years since my first OHS and he listened carefully to me. I was exteremely sensitive to weather and humidity and never again was able to sleep on my stomach. He promised me he would do everything he could to make me more comfortable this time and he did. The difference is remarkable. I followed all his orders carefully the first time and my sternum healed fine in expected length of time. It wasn't sore specifically because of wires that needed removal.... it just plain ached.

This second time I am now two and half years post op and though weather occassionally affects my comfort it is much more mildly in comparison.
I remember wearing a sweater that slipped over my head to go home from the hospital and had no trouble putting it on.

Thanks for posting this as I wondered if it was just me.
It amazed me to see Rob comb his hair and raise his arms above his shoulders...even putting on a Tee shirt was easy for him.
I recall having a very difficult time putting on anything but button up shirts for quite some time after my RP......

Seemed like a logical conclusion we came up with.....
I don't remember having any pain in my sternum after my second surgery, even though I both sneezed and coughed while in the hospital. Could have been the drugs, I was there for awhile. I didn't use my heart pillow at all but I kept it as a momento in part because I didn't get one my first surgery.
Mine felt just as painful the 2nd time, but the 3RD time, it was less than the 2nd time. I could raise my arms at home higher than they told me to. (Just to above the head). However, I wore my heart hugger religiously at the hospital and at home. It helped so much over that non-helpful stupid pillow I got the 2nd time. It did feel like the two sides scraped each other occasionally. Also, I didn't cough at all the 3rd time around, they had to ask me to cough to clear the gunk from my drainage tubes.
No coughing was a dream come true for me. I could get out of the bed easier, with less pain than I remembered from the previous surgeries. I expected it to be just as painful or worse, but it really wasn't. Don't know why. Just happy it happened that way.
Interesting. I hadn't really noticed until now. My first was minimally invasive and the second is a full incision. Even with that difference, I have not had the pain I had on the first; especially coughing.

Even the incision over the first is healing quicker.

I had my first OHS in 1988 (I was 14) and my 2nd OHS in 2009 (I was 35). I don't know if it was because I was younger or just that the 2nd OHS has been riddled with complications, but it's like night and day. I was sore and achy with my first OHS, but I was playing tennis within 6 months with no pain.

It's been more than a year for my 2nd OHS, and I still feel achy and creaky. The changes in the weather really get to me, and I live in the South in a warm climate. I still have twinges of pain when I open bottles or a refrigerator. However, I would take this pain the rest of my life if it means I never have to have another OHS. :)
This is very good to know, in case I need a second surgery, which is highly likely someday, since I have a tissue valve. I had a mini done, with complications. No fun! Most of the pain I believe, was due to the pericarditis. I still have minor aches and pains,also pericarditis flare ups. Other than that eveything seems to be okay! I am hoping that my 2nd time around will be an improvement!

Rob, It's really great to hear you are coming along so well! I am sure your positive attitude helps it along.

Take care my valve friend.

Think positive and it is highly possible if you need another replacement, it could be done percutaneously.
Forgive me for finding (and pointing out) some "gallows humor" here, but I I'm sort of giggling at the two "take-home" messages from the "been there" folks who've opted for mechanical valves: (1) OHS isn't that bad, it's much less bad than the anticipation, and the second time is often easier than the first, and (2) I'm REALLY glad I chose mechanical, because I sure wouldn't want to have to face this again!

Funny thing is, I think both messages are probably true, and sincerely given, even from the same people! But together, they're making me scratch my head a little, here in the "waiting room".
Just in case there is some confusion, normofthenorth,
I opted for a tissue valve my Second OHS and absolutely would do so again.
Dependinig on just how long this valve lasts, I would choose a tissue valve second time around too. So far, so good. (it's been almost three yrs now.) At my last echo and consultation, my cardio actually used the word "perfect" to describe my echo report. Let's just hope "little piggy" keeps going!

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