Hi Fellow Buckeye,
Sounds like we must have seen the same Dr.

!! I also have MVP and had been having 6 mo. echoes for the past 20 years. My echoes were always about the same and none of my cardios (we moved around a lot) seemed like it was a big deal. About 4 years ago, I went to my new Dr. here, and she just goes all nuts on me, and says I should have had surgery LAST year, how could I be walking around with such a bad heart?, etc., etc. She also says guidelines have changed and you have to have it done NOW. I was almost passing out in her office from shock. Once I was able to breathe normally again, I consulted my primary Dr. and she set me up with another cardio. who agreed that they want you to get this taken care of while you're still asymptomatic,but that I didn't have to be in any hurry. He added stress echoes to my six mo. checks. I always dreaded those 6 mo. consults, since now I was ready for the ax to fall. Finally on my last echo in April, we sat down together and watched my results on film, and he said that I should REALLY start thinking about getting the surgery since it was deteriorating more (he also asked me if it was time for me to find another Dr. now??

). For some crazy reason that day I said "OK, let's do it" (what was I thinking??), so he scheduled my TEE and a cath., and as I came out of that, they were sending my records up to Cleveland Clinic (at my request), and now I'm scheduled for surgery Sept. 25th. They did tell me at CC that I could wait until next year if I wanted, but that my heart was starting to enlarge slightly, so he didn't want me to wait too long.
It's a real shocker when you first get the surgery word. I've sort of eased into it for the past 4 years. I also decided to get it done now while I have the insurance since we'll be changing that next year. Once you calm down, you'll realize you have some options yet. If you plan to go to CC, just get your records sent there and they'll let you know their recommendation. You might also want to get a referral to a local surgeon just to get some opinions.
They said there's a 95-98% chance that I'll get a repair, and almost all of their surgery is minimally invasive.
MAINLY, you have found the best place to get all your questions answered. I never have any questions to ask the Drs. since I've already learned it all here. I swear some of these people could probably do the surgery themselves. I actually had been coming here for several years (usually around my 6 mo. checks), and it was here that I realized that I can do this. The post op reports are priceless, since you really know what to expect. I would suggest just going back through the forums, and take the surgery journeys with all the members here.
Deep breath...you'll be fine!