Over The Mountain!!! I made it!!!

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My surgery was June 4th not the 5th!!! I had to report to HMC on June 3rd for all the blood work signing of the papers which scared the BJesuses out of me!!!

Good thing was that we splurged on a motel that had a heated inside pool! I was a nervous wreck before that -- they had also taken me on a tour of the surgical intensive care unit. I swam for an hour this really calmed me down!!! Had to report at the hospital at 5:30am (June 4th) my surgery was suppose to be the first BUT as usually what can go wrong will and it did!!! They had an emergency heart transplant first!! So not till ten am was my surgery. I had the Euchrist Minster come out and pray with me --- I might add that they where from the parish of St. Joan of Arc my patron Saint! She is a warrior and I knew that I was going to be all right!!!! I take right after her!

I was in surgery from 10 am till 6 pm. Everything went a OK! I had a congential bicuspid valve! I might mention that one of the Residents and I had a few words before the surgery i.e. I wanted to know WHAT they were going to do and he tells me that he just got off an airplane and that he didn't ask the pilot how to fly the plane and in which I proceded to tell him off (St. Joan the Warrior)i.e. he either told me or I was walking out. He told me!!!!

After the surgery I felt like a Mack truck ran me over!!! None of the pain medication worked!!! I got really sick throwing up for a couple of days or more -- got disoriented i.e. did I have a second surgery -- where was I --- I was in ICU from Wed till Sat.

then moved to a room late sat night. Was sick from the meds till tuesday! Then when they thought they were going to send me home BUT my heart got pissed off --- it went into fibulation! So that was a couple of more days getting the right med --- My heart would beat really fast then really slow --- drove me crazy!!

Anyway my swimming really got me in shape for this surgery -- my breathing is worst now than before the surgery BUT am told in time it will improve!!! I also was doing sit ups starting about a month before the surgery -- I was up to 60 sit ups the Tuesday before the surgery.

I left the hospital yesterday -- June 12th -- because of all the complications -- not really big ones but I AM REALLY GLAD I HAD THE SURGERY BEFORE I REALLY WENT DOWN HILL!!! --- so i am at my mother's outside of Philly just in case I have any more problems. easier to get back to Hershery Medical Center -- I am writing this from the local library!

I went for 2 twenty five minutes walks today and must say they really did tire me out!!! Doctor told me my heart would clear up in time and walking would be best so ONWARD AND UPWARD!!!!!

Getting my breath is still really hard --- I took all of the advice but found because I was in such great shape didn't need it all i.e. I CAN lift my hands above my head soo no need for button up shirts -- the the trip from HMC really did tire me so I am resting a LOT!!!!!! Slept in a bed last night BUT had lots of pillows to prop me up -- BUT hard to breathe otherwise!!! Everyone is telling me I have good color!!

Thank you all for all of your advice -- Now that I am over the hill-- must say that the climb was the worst!!!!! Now alll I have to do is get better and I am allowing myself to Sept 4th. Hopefully I will be back in Fishkill Monday or Tuesday!!
ttfn (Ta Ta For Now) :cool: :cool:
Hi lemdonuts-

I'm so glad to see your post. Congratulations on getting it all over with.

By the way, everything you mentioned is about par for the course, and I see that it isn't throwing you one bit.

You're a tough gal, thank God. It did well for you.

I have no doubt that you will be feeling well very soon. I can hear the determination in your post.

I'm happy for you, you came through like a trooper, and now it won't be hanging over your head any more.

Onward and upward!
Hi Lem!

Glad to have you back with us!

It sounds like things went fairly normal with a minimum of bumps. Of course, you probably don't exactly feel that way about it all, but the main thing is, you made it, your back, and your on the road to recovery and a longer life then before surgery.

Here's to continued success at recovery. As you know, your body is running the show now. It will tell you when your doing too much in no uncertain terms. Respect the body!

Keep in touch,
Glad to know it's over for you and now you just hae the recuperation part to go. It should come easy and won't take too long. There are steps we usually mark as milestones - lifting more than 5 lbs, driving - etc. They'll be here before yu know it. God bless


Yeah, ya got it over with! Its such a relief to have it done isnt it? Now with a little work and patience you'll be good as new in no time :)
It's so good to hear from you. I've been waiting for your post. I'm glad that you are over the mountain and are already into recovery. I hope everything is smooth for you from here on out!

Couldn't dodge that truck, huh?

Couldn't dodge that truck, huh?

Glad you posted. I've been wondering where you were and if all went OK.

I was not one of the unlucky ones who threw up; can't (don't want to) imagine how "uncomfortable" that is.

Pretty terrific being home, huh? "home" = out of the hospital.

What kind of valve did you get?

Congratulations on being up and over. Take it easy - that old light-headedness and dizziness can rear its ugly head now and then and you don't want to be out trotting around by yourself if it does.

Keep in touch, Lem.
Hey Lem
Glad to hear you are doing fine. You are on the downhill side and it just keeps getting better.

SURGERY: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Aortic Valve Replacement with a St. Jude Mechanical Aortic valve with graft sleeve.
Poudre Valley Hospital, Heart Center of the Rockies
Hey Lem - Good to hear your surgery is complete and successful. You had a lot of similarities to my surgery. I also have a bicuspid aortic valve they found during surgery. I also had nausea for three days Fri-Mon while in ICU. I also had the afib after surgery, although mine took a month before going back to normal. So, I hope you get better quickly like I did. It's great to have you back. I hope you can get easier computor access soon.
Congratulations Lem,
I'm glad it's over for you and all went well. Keep us posted as you go thru your recovery. Tim

So glad you finally posted.......and So sorry to hear about all the difficulties you encountered. Here's hoping that it's all behind you now and you're well on your way to recovery.

Glad to hear that you're up and about. The walking will do you good. Try and do the same each day and a bit more; you'll be well before you know it. Your body will tell you when you've done too much. Rest when you need to; let others do things for you. Take care and keep on truckin'.
Glad your surgery went well Lem. You sure feel better just knowing your on the the other side now. Don't expect to much at first. You'll find each week, then each month gets a little better. One year from now you will most likely really feel the difference. Keep up the swimming, and keep that pillow handy for when you cough! :p

Take care ... Mark
hi lem!
how wonderful to see that you are doing well.
you sound like you are eager to be back to your old self, but please try not to overdo the walking and activity... it will all come in good time. the breathing will get better with each passing day. i remember joey complaining that he oculd hardly catch half the breath he could catch before he had his surgery!!
wishing you a continued easy recovery.
be well, sylvia
Thank you all!

Thank you all!

Thank you all for your support!
Yesterday June 16th I had another little glitch!!! I sat in the ER of local hospital close to my mom's house - all day!!! My sister's and brother were concerned about my legs -- they thought they were infected! They definitedly were swollen! Sooo off to the hospital!

The ER doctor was more concerned with my breathing and asked me to humor her which I did! She ordered a battery of tests! Blood work, Chest X-Ray, and EKG. Blood work was ok, Found water on the heart and in the lungs, and there was a little glitch in the ekg --- she called my cardiolgist who was out but spoke to someonelse on the staff. Water is common after open heart surgery! So everything is OK now am taking an antibodies along with the rest of this stupid medications. All I know it is alright to continue to walk and that is what I am doing. Two times a day one is up to 30 minutes and other walk is from 20 to 25 minutes. I takes a lot but.......

Glad to hear others of you got sick on the pain meds -- in fact today I went without my morning one --- am saving them so i can sleep at night. I couldn't sleep or eat before the surgery but now am starting to eat and sleep a lot!!! Sleep all night and take naps in the day!

Also glad to hear about the fibulation that others have also experienced this too! That was the one part that I difenentely wasn't not too happy about.

Well got to go -- again am at the local library!

ONWARD AND UPWARD AND FORWARD!!!!:D :cool: :eek: :) :eek:
Hello Lem,

Those trips to the ER can get to be a 'nuisance', BUT they may also just save your life!

Keep on doing the old VR.com Mantra:


I had fluid problems also and my surgeon's assistant told me to use the Incentive Spirometer (Breathing Exerciser) for 10 minutes every 2 hours. I pushed until I could FEEL the fluids being squeeze out. It helped a LOT!

NAPS are good! Do you have a recliner? Or body pillows?

The first two weeks are the worst, then it is easier to eat and sleep. Be VERY careful with your chest for the first 6 weeks and do NOT lift more than 5 (or 10? lbs MAX) until the Sternum begins to heal. It takes around 3 months for it to be really solid.

Massages help relieve back and shoulder pains, sometimes even better than pain meds!

You sound like you are in good spirits and that is GOOD. A Positive Mental Attitude goes a LONG way towards promoting a successful recovery.

Best Wishes,

Hi lem-

Now don't you go and get down about all of this. It's just your heart getting back at you for being poked around too much.

Your heart's got to get used to the new you and has a lot of healing to do. It will settle down.

Fluid is very, very common after this surgery. It is also very important to get it gone because it's definitely not a good thing.

You're doing well and things will get better each week.

Take care,


;) What I was more concerned about was the glich on my EKG -- I was afraid that i had had a silent heart attack! I just received an email from my cardiloioist and he assures me that it/was just my AS - ER doctor did mention that too but... you know how you think the worst.

My card tells me once I get home I should really being feeling better soooo perhaps some time today I will leave. But at home i have hills and am not sure i can walk them -- have no support system in place!

Yesterday on my second walk I really couldn't catch my breath but ...endured and walked 18min.

Today so far went for walk for half hour but boy was I tired sleep for 2 hours.

My business has been on hold since June 2nd but some of the brokers have been calling sooo think will start the trucks up on a part time bases need money to pay for motel rooms!!!

I didn't take my pain pill till 7:15 pm last night went almost 12 hours -- sleep good at night. Might add that I did have the chills last night --- my family is afarid that I am "pushing" it too much but need to walk to get rid of the water!

What I have been experiencing both with or without the pain pill is around 6 to 9pm I get this terrible pain around my heart and it goes down my left arm sometimes into my back -- one night my mom gave me a massage -- is this the best cure??? any suggestions?????

They gave me a puffer from the HMC which i use and also the spirometer --- I was never very good with it -- told them before the surgery -- ask several times to use one so that i could establish my reference before surgery which they didn't and then they expected me to reach 1500 --- Even in good time 500 maybe 750 is where I could blow -- this was one of the resaon that I practiced so much with my swimming --- three rotatins then a breath -- but that didn't help!!! I do us the spir everyday some day and that is rare I do get it up to 1000!!! But i do realize the imprtance of it --- but to expect me to go to 1500!! I told them where to go!!!! The old boy can get to 3000!!!:confused: but not me!!!! never could not even in 1999 when he had his surgury!!

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