Over The Mountain!!! I made it!!! Part 2

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
If my old memory is still intact...I believe Ross is coming up on his first year Ann. in a month. July 21?(open-heart surgery)...He's still milking it:D :D :D :D :D Let's all put that date on our calendar's and slam-dunk him that day.He is in charge of the calendar..anyone else know how to put that date on?He will really be crying when we post that day.:) :) :) Bonnie
Listen up everyone, make Bonnie put it on the calendar herself. She needs to learn to do these things, so if she wants the date on the calendar, she gotta do it herself. ;)


Ross, did you send Bonny instructions or are you just going to hope she can't figure it out?

Bonny, If Ross didn't show you how let me know. It seems easy enough! Sorry Ross HA HA
Nadi don't you dare. She needs to try to do this herself. She's never going to learn if someone does it for her plus she has the wrong date. hehe
Ross's surgery date

Ross's surgery date

..One Year ago this coming July 22nd is NOW posted on July calendar..And he said I couldn't do it.:p :p :p Sorry, Lem, for using your thread. Maybe Ross can move it to a new thread..:p :p Bonnie


Check the July calendar for the 22nd of July..If it's gone..I will know who to blame and will post..Under penalty of Law.this note not to be removed except by the consumer (copied from my pillow) :D :D :D And I did it all by myself.:p :p Now, he's made me mad and I am going to divorce him. Don't need him to help me..He'll be back crying and begging me for his help again.:p :p :p Bonnie
Why do I get this strange feeling that you posted it as a private event. If so, it will only show up to you. See, now you got me to tell you what you wanted to know didn't ya? :)
You had to come running

You had to come running

back to me:D :D Maybe I did post in as a private event..so I could see it..:p :p Now, try public event.:D :D :D Your ex
this place is better than a sitcom!!!

this place is better than a sitcom!!!

you two are just the funniest pair i've ever seen!
thanks so much for the laughs; we could all use them once in awhile_ and you certainly them coming!