ovarian cancer

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Does anyone know of a good peer support site like VR.com for ovarian cancer?

I have a close friend who just found out she may have ovarian cancer. She is already a breast cancer survivor. I would hope that there is help out there for her like there is for us here.

Hope this helps

Hope this helps

Hi Steve,

Sorry to hear about your friend. Have her check out www.hystersisters.com. There may be other sites out there too, but I found HysterSisters back when I found out that I would need a hysterectomy due to cervical cancer.

The site is very similar to this one, except that it has many more members. There is a forum called "cancer concerns" on it, and there are many OvCa survivors there that she could talk to and get support from.

In fact I liked that site so well, that when I found out I would be needing valve repair/replacement prior to the hyster, I searched for a similar heart site and found this one, just 2 days before my heart surgery. Thank God I found you guys!

I hope it can help your friend, and pray that she'll be able to beat this thing too. My aunt was also diagnosed with Ovarian cancer, and is in some type of study, so that she can help others that have it, even if she herself can't be cured.
When I had something that was 'suspicious for cancer', I typed in the words kidney cancer and found a number of sites and selected one that seemed friendly. It really was and helped me out when I needed it. So, if she types in 'ovarian cancer' she will get lots of sites.

I have said a prayer for her.
I just found out that our American Cancer Society Regional Director here in northern Idaho has a cousin who is an ovarian cancer survivor. In fact, she has even written a book about it for children.

If you have your friend contact me by email then I can put her in contact with her.

Take care,

P.S. I am also a breast cancer survivor
There is a big Ovarian cancer support group called Ov'ar Coming Together (kind of a play on words -Of our coming together)
Started by three women, all friends, who all had Ovarian Cancer.


Also have your friend check at the local hospitals in her area, most can put her in touch with a support group. He physician may even have a list.

also, similar to the above webpage is

Women do survive this cancer.

Also, gildasclub.org- Gilda Radner's foundation
You guys are incredible!;) Thanks again so much!

Zazzy, if it turns out she's got it after her surgery for removing her ovaries scheduled for 9/8, I'll put her in touch. Special thanks!;)
hi steve!
i do a lot of volunteer work for our local gilda's club.
if there is a gilda's house in your neighborhood, i'd highly recommend your friend take a visit and look into it.
they run support groups, have lectures, offer classes (yoga, visualization, etc.)to their members free of charge. they have professionals there to help or just chat at any moment.
it's an amazing place. if you'd like, i can ask our local westchester house if they know if there is one near you.
what city/town are we looking at ?
please know that your friend is in all our thoughts and prayers.
be well,
hi steve!
i checked on the national gilda's website and, unfortunately, there are no gilda' houses in her area.
i did, however, find this info. on their website that i thought i'd pass along:


CONVERSATIONS: The International Ovarian Cancer Connection
Publisher of CONVERSATIONS! The International Newsletter for Those Fighting Ovarian Cancer, a free monthly newsletter providing hope, humor, support and information about treatment options and coping tips. Survivor-to-fighter matching service available.
(806) 355-2565

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC)
NOCC raises awareness about ovarian cancer and promotes education about the disease. They also offer support groups, a database of gynecologic oncologists searchable by state, and educational materials.
(888) OVARIAN (888-682-7426)

Ovarian Cancer National Alliance (OCNA)
Works to increase public and professional understanding of ovarian cancer and to advocate for research. The Alliance distributes materials and sponsors an annual advocacy conference for survivors and families.
(202) 331-1332
[email protected]

The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (OCRF)
Dedicated to advancing research by underwriting investigations to find techinques for early detection and to aid in the development of new therapists. Raises awareness through educational outreach programs, awareness projects, including videos and resource materials.
(800) 873-9569
[email protected]

i hope these help some.
be well and please wish your friend the best for us, sylvia

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