Our Yorkie Died

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oh, I'm so sorry.

oh, I'm so sorry.

Wise and Cindy. I am so sorry for your sudden loss. Our pets are very dear to us. Now that our children have all gone off to college, our Cairn terrier and I are becoming so attached! We both miss them so much! He really does have a large piece of my heart and I know that the day he does not come scampering in to see what I'm up to, I will miss him dearly. I am glad you have others there to comfort you. I'm sure they are sensing the loss also.

You have my sympathy.

I am so sorry about your loss..Only, true pet lovers know how we feel about our pets..last week, when my age 13 year old housecat..disappeared for 24 hours.. I was in a fog..Neighbors just didn't get it.. :( when I asked them all to be looking out for her....Like, dud, it's just a cat. :mad: but, she has been with me for 13 years..Traveled all over America in our motorhome..Loves it..She is waiting for me when I get up in a.m..make coffee and sit in my lap..while I watch the morning news.. Not having front claws..(Due to our building a new home years ago..when she was young and wanted to claw all wood)Still feel guilty about doing that..I knew she wouldn't be able to climb a tree..to get away from our Mountain critters.. :eek: Prayed so hard..and my prayers were answered..she was sitting on front porch..24 hours later.. :) ..Not a scratch on her...Bonnie
I'm very sorry to hear about your tragic loss....Our Yorkie is quite a character and I hate to think about losing her. We have 4 dogs and 2 of them are really getting up there in age. My Daughters know I'm a sucker for strays. We rescued 2 of our dogs from the shelter.
lovejoy said:
I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our Bud 17 days ago. I still get emotional when I think/talk about him. I guess it does get easier, but it does hurt.
You both have my prayers.

Lovejoy, we are also very sorry to hear of your loss of Bud. Seventeen days isn't long in the process of mourning your loss. We'll certainly pray for you also.

Wise & Cindy
PamO said:
Wise and Cindy:

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. As everyone has said, pets are so dear to us, and give such wonderful, unconditional love, that when they leave us, it hits us very hard. My old man cat, Barney, has been gone for a few months, and we still miss him every day.

Your other "kids" will undoubtedly miss him too.

Pam, sorry about your Barney. I can understand how you still miss him.

You are right, our other "kids" do seem to miss Randy. They linger around where is scent was left in his usual hanging out places, i.e., his pillow on the couch that he got cozy on.
Ironically, after waiting almost a year, my got called today that a guide dog is waiting for her. She feels that this is the perfect timing just after the loss of our little friend. All we know is he's a golden retriever and is light red/gold. They won't tell her his name yet. She'll leave on November 27 for San Rafael, California where she'll be for 2 to 3 weeks training with her new guide. I guess I can hang up my hat as guide dog. I'm sure he'll be much better at it. I'm so glad for her; she is SO excited. I'll miss her while she's gone to school. They won't let me go, but I need to be here anyway. Thanks again to all of you for your kindness, understanding and prayers. We feel strengthen by you.

Wise & Cindy

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