Our Yorkie Died

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
Randy, our 12 1/2 year old yorkie, died yesterday afternoon. He was diagnosed on September 6 with "heart problems" involving enlargement. He was retaining fluid for which he had been taking medication. He was fine earlier in the day but we noticed his abdomen had swollen during the day. He had just drank a lot of water and then laid down and was laboring to breathe. In about 5 minutes we lost him. We will miss the little guy. He was as close to a perfect dog as I ever had. Remember us in prayer...and I'm not ashamed to ask, even if he was a dog...we will miss he very much.

Wise & Cindy
Wise and Cindy,
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved little friend. This is one pet lover who doesn't mind at all praying for your grief and healing.
I hate losing pets. We grow so attached to them, then when something happens, it's as devastating as it would be if it were another person.
Wise and Cindy, I'll be keeping you both in my prayers. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. They really are members of our families. I know this is the price we pay when we lose our little friends, but they give so much unconditional love to us. Even though we go through times like these, I wouldn't trade having them for anything. Linda
I am so sorry you have lost such a good friend...

Dear Wise and Cindy

You will absolutely be in our prayers....I'm so sorry for your loss....it's just NEVER long enough, is it. I can fully sympathize because I lost one of my guys (the one in my avatar) this past December at 12 3/4 years old and I know his brother who is now 13 1/2 has some issues that will probably potentially be devastating......so very sad.

Again, both Tyce and I do understand ONLY TOO WELL, what you're both going through.

We love every one of our pets like they are children. I mourn the loss of your sweet dog right along with you. It hurts. We have had a lot of pets, and it never gets any easier. The very sad thing is that they have a much shorter life than we do, so losing them is a tragedy that we accept when we first adopt them.

Your love for him shines through and you have given him a wonderful life. He was loved very much.

God Bless.
Our pets sometimes occupy a place in our heart generally reserved only for dear friends and relatives.
Sometimes they are nearer and dearer than friends and family.

You have my sincerest sympathy during this time.
I also offer my sincere condolences. While a dog is not a human being, it is undeniable that the initial feeling of loss is similar to that of the passing of a human loved one.

In sympathy,
Our prayers and thoughts are with you. So sorry to hear of your loss.
Wise & Cindy I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your little friend. My little bichon frise is eleven and is not very well. I know it won't be long. I hate to even think about it. It's too bad that our pets don't last as long as we do. I get so attached to them and I have lost so many over the years. I cry for weeks afterwards. Hugs and prayers are coming your way.
Our Best Friends

Our Best Friends

Wise & Cindy,

I fully understand your loss and offer my sympathy and prayers. We have had a procession of dear Yorkies, Schnauzers, Shepherds, and Cocker Spaniels in our lives, each of them a treasured member of our family and each tough to lose. Now I have Sadie, my yellow lab/golden retriever mix, who is the sweetest dog I have ever known. She is curled up at my feet right now, as she almost always is when we aren't playing ball or walking. I hate to think of ever losing her, but at this stage she may outlive me, who knows. She was such a great comfort and joy to me when I came home from open heart surgery.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this to say I fully understand your loss and feel for what you are going through. Hope the memories will bring you comfort, and perhaps other "best friends" that will come into your lives.

All best wishes,

Wise and Cindy,
It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about your loss.
Our German Shepard died over ten years ago, and to this day I still think about him all the time.
Our pets are pretty much like our kids, and that makes the loss really hard to take.
Please accept my deepest sympathy,
You have my sincere

You have my sincere

sympathies on the loss of your beloved pet. It is such a hard thing to lose a pet - I can't quite understand it, but it is almost harder than losing a "people" loved one. I think it is because of their innocence. I remember hearing Barbra Streisand being interviewed about her little bichon Sammy dying and she said she cried like she had never cried before and "couldn't understand how something so pure and innocent had to die." That kind of sums it up, I think. Again, so sorry to hear of the loss of your companion.

Christina L.
We sincerely thank each of you for your heart felt condolences. It's strange, but we took comfort in your thoughts, prayers, and kind words just as if they were concerning a human loved one. We actually have two other Yorkies and a Bichon Frise (and two sweet cats). We aren't dog poor; we're just people like you whose pets are family members. Randy was the one dog of ours that everybody loved. He never met a stranger either. Our other dogs aren't quite as trusting of other people as he was. Shannon, Beau and RJ (Randy Jr.) will miss him as well I'm sure. Again, friends thanks for your comfort.

Wise & Cindy
It reminds me of when Mieke, our shephard, lab, huskie mix died. She was only 5 1/2 months old, but we were told it was bad breeding, and she always had parasites. The vet said she was healthy, but always was so dehydrated and had parasites all the time, and they never did anything to help her. I will never take a dog back there again! I cried for weeks, and fully understand. Even though Mieke was only with us for a few months, she was still part of our family. My condolensces go out to you and your family.
I am so sorry for your loss Wise....

I am so sorry for your loss Wise....

Even thought I couldn't imagine it, I know it will happen one day to Bandit, and being single with no children, Bandit is my child, and losing him would be every bit as devestating. Please Know your in my prayers. Harrybaby :)
So sorry to hear about your dog. It is so sad when we lose a pet. I second what others have said. It is just as painful as losing a person. Our pets are part of the family and when it is their time to go it will be very painful. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure your little guy is looking down from heaven to make sure that you will be ok.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers


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