My kids willl not help me, but my dear friend in North Carolina will help me and my little dogs during a hip replacement and replacement recovery. She lives in High Point, NC. I know there are some good medical centers in that area. Anyone on this forum have a good Orthopedic doctor/group in this area? (My bad hip is connected to my general connective tissue problems.)
I'm in NC, but am a little further away than you are looking to be (by about an 1:15-1:30). My husband does have an employee in Greensboro, if you like, I can check with her.
Yes, Kfay! I can get no one to help me in the home-health-nurse phase of my recovery here, so must go to where I have a handicap-friendly home for the final phase of recovery. Another part of NC might be OK too if it is only an hour or two away.