Order of the tawdry shirt pics... #1

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As promised, here are two pics, one with my new toothless-grin, and the other with my new-- tho so far pretty ineffective-- choppers. (Still say losing the teeth was harder than the aorta replacement.) So to whom should I forward this tawdry recovery shirt???!!!
Excellent photos Joe. I was a little scared to check them out here at work. haha! Keep up the good recovery. Nice to hear from you.

Those are really great!!! Very befitting the Tawdry Shirt Society!
Tawdry Shirt

Tawdry Shirt

I canspeak up atl east for myself....I am scheduled for January 25th in SYarcuse, NY....not far away from you. Let me know if I'm up next!
WOW...sorry for the spelling errors....posting from work and people keep interrupting! How rude!




Isn't it just amazing how Bob's Disco Pose suits post-op patients so well?? The curl of the wrist, the pointing of the finger... so sublime.

Congratulations on the successful surgery. You look great.

Homer Simpson would be proud. :)

Ross, if you're reading... how about a thread for The Order of the Tawdry Shirt... this thing seems to be catching on! :)
Great photos and great pose. I agree with Stretch, we need to get all these pictures in one thread!
That Blue Pineapple shirt has a fabulous track record. You look great in it! A credit to Springfield...

So very happy to see you not just home, but plainly with enough sense of humor regained (or still present) to don the silks.

Very best wishes,
Way to go Joe!! Great pics. Glad you're feeling good! TS #2 has now passed on.....

Good luck,
