Well-known member
Today is the one year anniversary of my surgery. It's been a strange journey the past twelve months, but I can say that I'm thankful to be here. The help and knowledge gained during my visits to this site along with the invaluable conversations truly made a difference for me. Many thanks to folks like Lionheart who took the time out of their lives to speak with me. I really appreciate all of you that I have had the pleasure of interacting with. I peruse the website less than I would like to, but I have popped in here and there to add a comment or two. One of my goals for year two is to participate here again more frequently. I have managed to avoid any post- op problems with the exception of my pesky InR levels. They still seem to have a kind of their own sometimes. Still taking Metropolol as well, though I would prefer to eventually stop. I take 15mg of Coumadin four times a week and 12.5 the other three. From what I gather, it would appear that I take more than normal to keep me between 2.5 and 3.5. I test at home every 2-3 weeks depending in my numbers. Thanks again to everyone, talk to you soon.
Your friend,
Your friend,