One Year Anniversary!

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Active member
Jul 30, 2014
My 1 year anniversary is coming up in a few days. It is definitely time to reflect on an interesting year that has been mostly positive. I got a mechanical valve (On-X)last August, because i was discovered with a bicuspid vale and my heart was enlarged quite a bit. Everything went quite normally and i have had a relatively trouble free year. In fact most days and weeks now, i barely remember that i had this surgery. Only reminders being the scar, and the ticking sound, which i mostly now ignore, but sometimes i still notice. I have had trouble maintaining my INR, but its a learning process and i finally have found the formula that works and keeps me in a narrow range with some minor fluctuations.

Physically i feel almost 100%, with not much pain. I do feel that my chest region still has some strange sensations and maybe even pain around the incision area.
I am back to my regular gym workouts and am almost 100% of what i used to do earlier.
In fact this brings up the question i have been thinking about lately. Does anyone know what the range of heartbeat rate is on the OnX valve? I sometimes workout between hear rates of 150-170. I'm not sure if that is safe enough in both short and the long term.

This site was a source for great information and strength in my pre and post op days. I did post my experiences online after i was done and will try to visit more often to help answer questions for folks that are new to this and understandably upset and apprehensive.

I know everyone's story has a different ending and mine is still relatively new, but so far so good and i am living a normal life.

Congratulations on the Big First Anniversary, Pankaj! The first year, for most of us, is the most emotional one. I'm glad that you're just getting back to your life - that's what this surgery is all about, and that is one of the major benefits of this site to newcomers. Thank you very much for coming back to celebrate with us and to tell others how well you're doing. I'm a bit like you -- I'm just about 4 1/2 years out from surgery and almost all days I don't even think about the surgery or how I got to where I am. I am doing as much now as I did before surgery, and I'm almost 5 years older. These valves make a huge difference for those of us who need them.

I, too, had "strange" feelings around my chest and my incision site, as well as odd tight sensations in my chest muscles for a year or so after surgery. I wasn't able to comfortably do push-ups (press-ups, if you are in the UK) for about a year, but shortly after that it all seemed to go back to "normal." Maybe the simple act of stressing and stretching those muscles eliminated the tightness.

As for choosing your appropriate heart rate under exercise conditions, I haven't heard that specific valves have any individual recommendations. I think target heart rates are age-dependent, being higher for younger athletes. I used to exercise up into the mid 160's when I was younger (up to and through my early 50's), but now, at age 67 (really?), my cardio is happier if I stay to a maximum in the low to mid-140's. I know this is beyond the age-driven max rate formula, but doc and I are fine with it, as I've been a gym rat/runner for 35 years or more. Also, I would exercise to a higher rate, but my beta blocker holds down my max rate. I've always been told not to worry about the valve with respect to heart rate. These things don't wear out from exercise. Stay with your exercise program. In the long run (pun intended, if you're a runner), your body will thank you for it.