One-year after surgery and I feel great! You will too.

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2012
Pardon the vanity post. For all of you who are pre-surgery and worried about it, I just wanted to share that today is the one-year anniversery of my second surgery and I feel terrific. I'm going to celebrate by mowing the grass and riding my bike 15 miles after work (things I couldn't do 13 or 14 months ago). Yes, the thought of open-heart surgery can be scary but it's not as bad as you imagine. The worst pain of my life was not from my surgery, it was the time I stubbed my little toe on the bed frame in the middle of the night.

This morning, I said a quick prayer of thanksgiving for the blessing of open-heart surgery and the chance to fix what was wrong and continue living my life. If you need the surgery, it's not a burden, it's a blessing!
Hear, hear! Had my aortic valve replaced with an ATS Open Pivot 10 months ago (that long already?) and have felt like a million bucks since then. Biking and strength training (enough to be discovering muscles I didn't know I had) and REALLY loving life! Another easy surgery, but I think my worst ever pain was from a bad molar. God bless you all, and if anyone reading this is frightened or worried about impending or possible surgery, it probably won't be nearly as bad as you think and you'll probably feel a whole lot better.
Guy - We're really happy to hear that you, too, are doing so well. It is always "heart-warming" to hear from members well after their surgeries - especially when they are doing so well. It is especially good for the folks in The Waiting Room to hear that so many of us have such positive experiences after valve surgery.

It is good to hear from you again, and thanks for posting about your success.
I am 9 days and counting until my AVR surgery - so I really appreciate reading posts like I go back and forth between peace with my decisions and totally freaking out. Throwing myself a little Bye Bye Bicuspid Valve party tomorrow night and hoping to be celebrating an anniversary a year from now too!
I am 9 days and counting until my AVR surgery - so I really appreciate reading posts like I go back and forth between peace with my decisions and totally freaking out. Throwing myself a little Bye Bye Bicuspid Valve party tomorrow night and hoping to be celebrating an anniversary a year from now too!

I am 6 weeks post surgery. You are doing the best thing for yourself that you ever could. I totally agree with all the positive posts here on this website. I am now walking faster and further than I have in 8 years. There will be a few hiccups on the way. I can honestly say the recovery thus far has been way easier than I ever thought. I know that no matter what anyone says, the fear you have is real. We all had it. Seems the day of surgery you finally just give it up and know you are having your surgery done no matter what. You resign yourself to it. (Your family and friends are the ones who freak out then). It is the best thing you can do and you will do great. Remember everyday you will improve after surgery. Good luck and let up know how it all goes. We will all be here when you are on the other side! - Kim

In the waiting room for 10 years. 53 year old female, AVR with On-x 21 mm, on May 23, 2013, Dr. Glenn Barnhart, Swedish Medical Center, Cherry Hill Location, Seattle, WA.
I am 6 weeks post surgery. You are doing the best thing for yourself that you ever could. I totally agree with all the positive posts here on this website. I am now walking faster and further than I have in 8 years. There will be a few hiccups on the way. I can honestly say the recovery thus far has been way easier than I ever thought. I know that no matter what anyone says, the fear you have is real. We all had it. Seems the day of surgery you finally just give it up and know you are having your surgery done no matter what. You resign yourself to it. (Your family and friends are the ones who freak out then). It is the best thing you can do and you will do great. Remember everyday you will improve after surgery. Good luck and let up know how it all goes. We will all be here when you are on the other side! - Kim

In the waiting room for 10 years. 53 year old female, AVR with On-x 21 mm, on May 23, 2013, Dr. Glenn Barnhart, Swedish Medical Center, Cherry Hill Location, Seattle, WA.

These posts are very encouraging for us in the waiting room. My surgery date (at Washington Hospital Center in DC) will be set after a cath on 7/15 - my cardio believes surgery can be scheduled within a couple of weeks from that date. I'm bouncing back and forth between trepidation - :eek: - about the surgery/recovery and hopefulness - :thumbup:- that I also will feel a lot better. I told my wife that if I go through all this and still feel lousy afterward she should just take me out and shoot me.

Dave in MD; 70, AS diagnosed 3 years ago but (now I recognize) increasingly symptomatic for over 10 years.
So happy to hear that you are doing so well! It means a lot to us waiting for our surgeries to know that positive outcomes are waiting for us too! My surgery is Tuesday 7/9...I am looking forward to starting my recovery and hope to feel as good as you ;).