One more post and I get to retire!!!!

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You think that is a lot? I have a member on the site where I am an administrator who has the following in his profile...

Total Posts 74642

Now that is one heck of a chatterbox.

Go on, make that extra post.
I guess if Rossman doesn't make that 22,000th post, he doesn't get his special prize. Let's see, how many virgins were involved? Hmmm, Cooker, I guess you and I share the prize, right? :p
Hey guy and gals, I do not think there will be a 22000 thread :D:D:D

4 days ago, Ross/Walter's thread was 21,999,
4 hours ago, his thread was again 21, 999
above thread is 21,999

What is the name of this new game, Ross??!!!
You know you don't want to leave us Ross. What would we do without you? Say it isn't true, please, please, please! ! !
Well people, one more post and I hit the 22,000 mark which means I get to retire and watch you all go insane without my help. What do you think of that? :cool:

I hope you'll warmly welcome my replacement. Mr. Tony DiNozzo.

WHO THE HECKS TONY or MR. TONY DiNozzo:confused:sounds:(

Couldn't imagine vr with a DiNozzo :eek:QUIT IT.What'd we
do without your being so (humorful) around here and helpful
id never learned to connect the dots or magic numbers for warfarin;)

zipper2 (DEB)
Well then, maybe I'll just be Jethro Gibbs instead. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Then I can slap some heads around here. :D
OK Boss, how did you manage to keep Ross' messages at 21,999 for several days without changing!!!

Now I will run away before my head gets slapped:D

It wasn't 21,999 for several days. I started out at 21,989 yesterday morning. I'm trying figure a way to make it just say billions and billions rather then a post count.
I swear every time I looked at an older post it was 21, 999. then a previous post the same, and on and on. I thought the computer is stuck!!! If I am wrong, I shall blame it on little sleep.
I swear every time I looked at an older post it was 21, 999. then a previous post the same, and on and on. I thought the computer is stuck!!! If I am wrong, I shall blame it on little sleep.

One thing it may be is your internet options settings. You may have seen cached pages rather then new. I have mine set to check for newer pages EVERY VISIT TO A WEBSITE.

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