On a Search: The Winner gets a prize

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I remember a post, perhaps several months old, from a member stating that one of their presurgery symptoms was the taste of blood in their mouth. I can't remember which member posted it, but I keep associating it with golf.

A new mom, terry_scott, mentioned that her daughter gets the same sensation when she's physically stressed. I'm trying to figure out who it was, so Terry could read the post. I've asked around, but so far, no luck.

Since this is bugging me to no end, I'm posting this question in hopes that the poster, or someone who remembers the post, will respond.
Finally, I still need to confirm that the prize will be "hand delivered" ;) ;) by Ross, but it's quite likely.:p :p Check the icon before the thread title to get an idea of what it might be.:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
That's good PJ, but not the one!
Would you like to settle for the runner- up prize, or would you prefer to keep searching?;) ;)
Come on, PJ, I know you can find it! I think it was mentioned in association with the discovery of an aneurysm, but I can't be sure.
I just wouldn't feel worthy of even the runner-up prize without actually finding the post to which you refer. :D I will ponder other search strategies.
I can't find the post (before my time), but that taste of blood is one I have had. Actually, it's more of an iron/metallic taste. I had it frequently before surgery, especially in the morning when I would cough. I have also had it a couple times after surgery, also after coughing. It's something I've wondered about, but I've never posted...
ooohhh Mary...;)

now youre teasing me :D ...

cos I also responded to our new member as having experienced this as well...I also have the weird smell of old blood deep in my nose somewhere near the back of my throat!?:confused: ...


I am fairly sure I havent mentioned it here prior to the other day on Terrys' thread...

just quietly...
I thought it also had something to do with annies but I am not elaborating on that cos I do not want to jinx anyone...

I did know I had an annie before the Doctors "found" it though too :rolleyes:

ohh yeah... Mike...mine is definately a smell and taste of blood not a metallic-taste...sometimes it is very noticeable.

I am waiting eagerly for more news on this strange symtptom...
MikeHeim said:
I can't find the post (before my time), but that taste of blood is one I have had. Actually, it's more of an iron/metallic taste.

I was wondering "What does that taste like" then I read your description and you're right. Blood does have that kind of metalic-ie taste.

I had that type of taste when a panic attack was starting - prior to my surgery. I'm wondering if the taste the new member's daughter is experiencing isn't related to her body's response to being pushed too hard, or adrenaline.
tobagotwo said:

You're the winner Bob!:)

I think there might be a similar, older post from another member, but yes, I do remember reading Mark's post in January. Actually, it's possible that Mark mentioned his symptom in an earlier post, and he just repeated it in this post surgery reply.

I will ask Ross if he's willing to deliver the "prize" to you. I dunno. I haven't really mentioned it to him yet, but since it's his birthday week, maybe he'll oblige.;) ;) ;)Everyone keep watching this thread to find out!!;) ;) ;) ;)
Does anybody have any guesses about why the taste of blood happens? Just came over from the other thread after asking and finding out that Matt has had this happen too. Adrenaline does seem a more likely possibility than anything I can think of. If an aneurysm was dissecting, of course...but that couldn't be the case for everyone here. Hmm. And why would it get into the digestive tract? My dad had a dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysm and he was saved in the nick of time because blood was seen in the stool (gross, sorry) and he got to surgery in time. No doctor could ever explain why blood was found there--we could never figure it out. I'm betting on adrenaline though or something like it in the present cases.
Okay, here's my pure, completely unsubstantiated, unresearched, unscientific guess:

Perhaps when we push our cardiovascular system beyond its everyday demands, we "overwork" our lungs to the point that small capillaries break with the (perhaps relatively) forceful intake of air. When the capillaries break the iron-carrying hemoglobin in the blood is released and we smell/taste the iron. It's been a while since I've run, but I do remember that taste and was never alarmed by it--prediagnosis. In fact, it came with a rather satisfying dull "burn" in the lungs. Perhaps valvers who have experienced a diminished level of fitness due to surgery have a (temporarily) lower threshold for this happening, or a heightened sense of awareness for whatever might be amiss? FWIW, I think it's pretty normal.
I think the people who are experiencing the taste are presurgery.
I don't know if its benign, but I do think if someone experiences it, they might take it as a reminder that maybe they're overdoing it.
tobagotwo said:
If I had known it was a "Ross prize," I wouldn't have looked for it! :eek:

Don't go playing innocent with me!
I specifically put the "thumbs up" in the post so there would be no doubt as to what is was!!
What if I could talk Granbonny into donating a can of road kill?
Would that suit your taste???????:p :p :p :D :D :D
Sorry, Mary ,..saving all my Roadkill(Possum meat)for Danny when we meet for our mini-reunion in Panama city.:D :D He hates seafood and in case we have our luncheon at a Seafood place..He will have something to eat.:p :p Bonnie
OK...so you reckon its a "sign" of overdoing it etc.

some pills also give off this funny taste too...
I spose its the ones I am on cos this taste and smell is with me almost always ,,,somedays it is stronger than others but it used to be just occaisonally now its a constant :confused:

I also cannot take iron supplements cos I get a bad reaction to them and always have... and my iron levels are borderline low and have always been like that. I also do not like meat...

AHA!!!!!! BLOODY RAW MEAT...thats what the smell and taste is like!:D

i am very interested in any more theories....

I had kinda thought along the lines of it being because my annie's walls are thin OR a type 2 descending-thoracic dissection letting lil tiny bits of blood out into the system and the wall of it being thin and porous?~! :eek: :confused:
Granbonny said:
Sorry, Mary ,..saving all my Roadkill(Possum meat)for Danny when we meet for our mini-reunion in Panama city.:D :D He hates seafood and in case we have our luncheon at a Seafood place..He will have something to eat.:p :p Bonnie

dawgone it, ah ain't too popular of posum. It's a li'l too greasy fo' mah taste. Hope yo' doesn't fo'git t'brin' a few roadkill armadillos along too. Sh'd haf th' car smellin' fine by time ah git thar.:eek: :eek: :p :p :D

May God Bless,


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