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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
They are over and weren't the games something else! Everything was spectacular. Hope ya'll watched at least some of it. Shows what the world can do instead of fight. God bless America
My husband was in front of the tv watching the events for most of the 2 weeks so I am actually a bit happy that it is over so that we can talk about other things :D.

Oh well, it's just once every four years so I guess I should just shut up :). And you're right about that sports is a better way to devote your time than war. Minus the doping scandals.

All my best,

/Jessica :D
Know your feelings - my Joe used to watch any kind of sports -he'd have watch tiddlywinks if they were on. And I would occasionally fuss, now I watch some, but am selective and nobody fusses at me because I live just w/my animals and all they want is for me to be there.

Been so caught up with my brother these days no chatting in schedule. Yesterday he needed the comfort of a family member with him so I stayed half a day just to ease him. Will get back to chat soon, I hope.
The same is true for my husband LOL. He watches tennis, golf, icehockey, curling, soccer, table-tennis dog-racing, boxing badminton, crosscountry-skiing, handball, downhill-skiing, you name it, he watches it. At times he even watches cricket although neither of us can figure out what the rules are LOL. But he finds it relaxing so I really shouldn't complain :D.

Too bad about your brother! Send me an email when you feel up to chatting again :).

/Jessica :D
I always look forward to the games. It's a special time
for the world to come to together. I am very proud of our Canadian Team.
Thanks Utah you did a great job hosting the games!!

:) JBriau