Ole Harrybaby Is Headed For Boston....

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I Have The Correct Doctors Name.....

I Have The Correct Doctors Name.....

Are you sure about the spelling of his name?

Is it possibly:

Carlson, William Dean, MD, PHD 617-724-6750
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine; Cardiovascular Disease, American Board of Internal Medicine

JKM, I called back down to MGH and got the name of the doctor that I am going to be seeing...and I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS.... Her name is Dr. Marcella Calfon, and she is NOT a cardiologist but an Internal Medicine doctor. It seems as if my records that I have faxed down to them already are not acceptable and they want me to see an internal medicine doctor before seeing any cardiologist. I always thought that there was proof in the medical records, but I guess there isn't. I will go to the appointment but I already feel like they are starting to give me the run around already:mad::mad:
Harry, maybe it would be good to give them a chance to sort things out. They have an excellent reputation, and you do have many issues which co-exist. Joe was in the same position and he really needed someone to coordinate all of his multiple doctors. Unfortunately, there was no one who would step up to that plate, so I had to do it. It was extremely difficult. I had the task of filling in all of the doctors about what everyone else was doing.

So perhaps, this doctor will be acting in that capacity, and if so, it would be an excellent thing.

They really cannot ignore any of your multiple problems. And cardiology is crucial, so I am sure when the Internal Medicine workup is done, you will have a cardiologist.

At least I hope so for your sake.
Your Right Nancy....

Your Right Nancy....

I know that you understand my frustrations....it does get tiring though when you hear the doctors tell you that your too fat and then you explain to them that it's hard to lose the weight when you have this horrible horrible spinal stenosis. They don't seem to understand just how much pain I am in when I walk any distance or I am on my feet for more than 5 minutes at a time. I have looked into having my back operated on to at least help the pain subside and be able to walk and stand longer, but I keep getting told NO to the operation...as you have probably read earlier in this thread, I was AGAIN unceremoniously dumped by Dr. Eddinger after only 1 test, with no explanation as to why he wasn't going to see me anymore. I talked to my brother and he is telling me to go regardless and to keep fighting.....so I shall....besides, where I am taking the train in, and the only train I can get to come back to NH isn't until 11:20 pm, I can go to the New England Aquarium for a visit, which I have wanted to do for a long time:D:D

Thanks for the boost.....I surely needed it!!!:D:D:D

Hugs, Harrybaby
Harry, I have been following this thread, bt have not had much time to post in the last couple of days.

My MIL had multiple problems, too, and was in hospital because here haemoglobin was extremely low. She weent through hell, her respirologist said it wasn't her lungs, her rheumatologist said it wasn't her fibromyalgia, her cardiologist said it wasn't her heart. Someone did a liver biopsy, and we were told she had mild cirrhosis (she was not a drinker, either), but was'nt referred to a dietitian or given any medication or special instructions, so we thought OK, must be common at 65 years old.

It took about two years and a very sharp doctor to send her to a liver specialist at one of our large teaching hospitals, who sent her for lots more tests and sent her to a lung specialist. Apparently the liver can affect the lungs, there is shunting going on in the blood vessels (I don't know much more than that). This doctor took a lot of time to explain things, and said that if all the test results came back the way she thought they would, MIL would soon be taking quite a few drugs and be placed on the transplant list.

Unfortunately, she had a stroke, just a small one, but they could not operate because of her low haemoglobin and her low blood oxygen levels (when that was deemed necessary, her blood gas level of oxygen was at about 37%). She passed away within a few days.

During these two years, her hearing deteriorated dramatically, and even with her aids, she still missed a lot of conversations. Between that and the fact that she was so weak she couldn't handle extra oxygen tanks, I usually went with her on appointments.

Unfortunately, she had a stroke, just a small one, but they could not operate because of her low haemoglobin and her low blood oxygen levels (when that was deemed necessary, her blood gas level of oxygen was at about 37%). She passed away within a few days.

Sorry to be so gloomy, but sometimes getting the big guys at the big hospital is the best thing you can do. I do really hope that things work out for you, and that you get answers, not just new questions.

Harry, I wish you the best of luck, and KEEP FIGHTING!!!!! You are the only one who knows hw bad you feel, and how much you hurt.
Thank You Jeanette.....

Thank You Jeanette.....

I will keep fighting and between your post, Nancy's post and Karlynn's post, I am rejuvenated to the point where I actually want to keep fighting. One of the things that kind of threw me off was the fact that I made the appointment to see a cardiologist, however, they made the appointment to see a internal medicine doctor, and I felt like I was getting blown off again. I am going down to Boston on September 4th and I am going to try and make the best of that day and since I have a long wait to get the train back, I am going to hopefully visit the New England Aquarium...a place that I have always wanted to go....maybe it will help me cope with anything they hand me at the appointment that day. Thanks again for your encouragement!! I sure do appreciate it from everyone:D:D
As far as being dumped--

Well, here's a couple of good ones. Joe had to go to an oral surgeon for something. He was the only good one around and an older guy. I brought along Joe's sheets of medical history and list of medications.

He took a long time to read it all, and when he was finished, he said, "Well, Joe, this is quite some history and you have been through so much. You know, I am retiring later this year, and the question is do I really want to take care of you with all these problems?"

Then the pulmonologist who had been treating Joe (or trying to, anyway) told him at an office visit, "Joe, you're a very nice man, but you have so many problems. It is not something I can handle anymore, so I will no longer treat you."

And the rheumatologist to whom Joe was referred, spent the better part of an hour reading his history, and using his Blackberry copiously during the appt. to look lots of things up. He kept saying something like, "Oh boy!, Oh my gosh!" Then he told Joe that he probably couldn't take care of him because it was way over his head (at least he was honest), but that one of his colleagues would find the case very interesting. Passing the nasty case on to his competition-- Good one!!
I don't see the appt. with the Internist as being blown off, I see it as them trying to get to the bottom of things, and get it all sorted out in some kind of cohesive plan. Triage for Harry, if you will. :)
It Definitely sounds like Joe went through what I am now...

It Definitely sounds like Joe went through what I am now...

My medical history is all messed up......I got the records and they just don't seem to coinside with what the doctors have told me in the past, especially since one of the reports (which I have) specifically states that I have a hole in my heart down near the bottom of my heart...WHY IN HEAVENS NAME DIDN'T HE TELL ME THIS??? I am thinking that maybe these doctors just didn't have enough belief in his or her own skills and self nor did they even want to try....I am curious though Nancy, do you suppose that maybe just maybe these doctors that did this to Joe were fearful of a lawsuit should something had gone wrong? I am seriously thinking that this might be the story in my case.....

As for the internist, I have had about 5 hours to think long and hard about it, and I have come to the conclusion that they want to start fresh...although, when I first started faxing down the medical records, I got a call back from the access nurse and she started to say to me "I don't think we can help you" and I cut her off and told her that I had a ton of records to send down, so I sent more down and she then called me back again and said that they wanted me to have my PCP refer me.....guess what.....I was dumped by him as well, and I told her this, so I guess that she's trying to get me on the right track. This is horrible....ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE......:(:confused::(
I am curious though Nancy, do you suppose that maybe just maybe these doctors that did this to Joe were fearful of a lawsuit should something had gone wrong?

Absolutely!! Especially the pulmonologist. He even alluded something to that affect when he first started taking care of Joe. He knew it was an extremely difficult case, and said something like, "I hope this isn't a deal breaker."

they want to start fresh

I think this is an excellent idea. I think they should start fresh. Perhaps they think that your other doctors did a poor job, or just have no confidence in the reports they are seeing and the things you have told them. This may be the thing that turns it around for you. Go with the flow.

Doctors don't tell you everything they are thinking. Sometimes they think other doctors are absolute ****s.
Well I will tell you.....

Well I will tell you.....

I completely understand any frustrations that anyone who has had difficulties with doctors as I have....It has gotten so bad that I have actually started questioning my own sanity and whether or not I actually have medical problems (Of course I know I do, but...I just had a right heart cath done in June, and Dr. Eddinger told me that my pulmonary pressure was at 64 and that I DO NOT have Pulmonary Hypertension and that I was perfectly healthy....so you can understand why one questions his own self when things get this bad)

I am glad that I am going, but I am going to prepare a list of my diagnosis and a list of questions and hopefully my brother will go with me for added support.
Think of the Internist as the BIG PICTURE Guy.

Hopefully he will try to assess ALL your systems and point you to the specialists who he thinks can help with your specific issues.

Give him a chance to start over in assessing your complex medical history.
Al, I was going to say much the same thing; sounds like the internist is going to be the equivalent of a PCP, who will order the prelim tests, look at the results and then refer you to who you need to be referred to. I think you may be in for a few trips to Boston, so check out with the hospital if they have some kind of hostel for outpatients, or can refer you to a cheap motel in case you need it! I don't know about where you are, but here in Canada, there are ususally a couple of organisations that can arange rides to hospital appointments using volunteer drivers. The Red Cross comes to mind.

Nancy said : "Doctors don't tell you everything they are thinking. Sometimes they think other doctors are absolute ****s. "

The impression I got from MIL's liver doc in the big city was that the doctors in our hick town were centuries behind the current days, and practiced some sort of witchcraft. We often heard things like"..they saw this result and didn't perform a ??? test?? What were they thinking ???"
Here's a cute expression that one of Joe's old time doctors used to say. I think it fits your situation, Harry.

"Hold on there, I don't know if I'm on foot or on horseback!"

He would say that when he was being bombarded with too much information. He really needed a little time to digest it all and find the right way to go.
Uncle Harry,

I sure hope you will finally find the ear of someone that will get you the answers you deserve. You have been thru the wringer with all these Doctors.

Prayers and good thoughts are coming your way.

May God Bless,

Wishing you the best of luck in your search for some answers to your ongoing problems Harry! Don't give up; there's bound to be a dr out there that can pinpoint what is going on with you!

And as for the cardio that dumped you.....well, as the old saying goes, "things happen for a reason" & positive things will come of it! :)
Hey Harry - just catching up on everyone and sorry to see you're having to go through this BS right now. Still, I hope in the end it turns out to be the best thing you could have done and you finally end up seeing someone who can give you the time and the treatment you deserve.

Hang in there my friend!!

A : )
Well Abba.....I DO have one solution...LOL

Well Abba.....I DO have one solution...LOL

If I start getting anymore bull from the docs, I will be able to turn off my new hearing aids and shut them off...LOL:D:cool::D Thanks so much for the encouraging words!!! By the way, I have Missed You...Where HAVE You Been? Am I gonna have to find a way to catapoult (sp) myself over to Aussie land and catch up with you? LOL:D:D:D:D Hugs, Harrybaby
I'm thinking we should assemble the VR surgical team and do an exploratory on Harry. What do you all think?