Harry, I have been following this thread, bt have not had much time to post in the last couple of days.
My MIL had multiple problems, too, and was in hospital because here haemoglobin was extremely low. She weent through hell, her respirologist said it wasn't her lungs, her rheumatologist said it wasn't her fibromyalgia, her cardiologist said it wasn't her heart. Someone did a liver biopsy, and we were told she had mild cirrhosis (she was not a drinker, either), but was'nt referred to a dietitian or given any medication or special instructions, so we thought OK, must be common at 65 years old.
It took about two years and a very sharp doctor to send her to a liver specialist at one of our large teaching hospitals, who sent her for lots more tests and sent her to a lung specialist. Apparently the liver can affect the lungs, there is shunting going on in the blood vessels (I don't know much more than that). This doctor took a lot of time to explain things, and said that if all the test results came back the way she thought they would, MIL would soon be taking quite a few drugs and be placed on the transplant list.
Unfortunately, she had a stroke, just a small one, but they could not operate because of her low haemoglobin and her low blood oxygen levels (when that was deemed necessary, her blood gas level of oxygen was at about 37%). She passed away within a few days.
During these two years, her hearing deteriorated dramatically, and even with her aids, she still missed a lot of conversations. Between that and the fact that she was so weak she couldn't handle extra oxygen tanks, I usually went with her on appointments.
Unfortunately, she had a stroke, just a small one, but they could not operate because of her low haemoglobin and her low blood oxygen levels (when that was deemed necessary, her blood gas level of oxygen was at about 37%). She passed away within a few days.
Sorry to be so gloomy, but sometimes getting the big guys at the big hospital is the best thing you can do. I do really hope that things work out for you, and that you get answers, not just new questions.
Harry, I wish you the best of luck, and KEEP FIGHTING!!!!! You are the only one who knows hw bad you feel, and how much you hurt.