Oldest Grandson broke his leg

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
My age 15 year old (Today is his birthday)..riding a 4 wheeler at his Mom's house in N.C.....He was driving it and had a heavy friend behind him..and couldn't turn the wheel..and hit a tree..:eek: Thank the Mighty Lord that he had no head injuries..broken femur....His Mom called my son and he left work and arrived while Kameron was in surgery.......Son called me early this a.m. Said, doctor put a pin in it for 10 months ..Will be on crutches for 3 weeks..3 weeks walking on his toes and then normal walking.....He is still in hospital..due to nausea..not eating but has an I.V.for nourishments..PT got him up and son said..he did well with the cruches.....I just got off phone with his Mom...said my son and kameron's step-dad had gone home to shower/rest.....Hoping he will go home to his Mom;s tomorrow. no use in coming back to my son's house..being on cruches for 3 weeks...His Mom has family all around to help..son has to work....there goes his summer..:( Mom said..so many of his friends had come by..what he needs to help out with recovery...watching videos, ect......I hate those 3/4 wheelers. It was NOT his..We refuse to buy him any thing like that........Too many head injuries, ect....I think he was throw off and the 4 wheeler landed on his leg..again..thankfully..no other serious injuries........Of course, I am a nervous wreck..but son will NOT leave him..until he is sure Kameron is O.K........His policeman job..supervisors..told him yesterday..when he received the call..go and don't worry about your job..Take care of your son.:) ..Bonnie
I hate 3 and 4 wheelers. They are not safe in my opinion. Sorry he found out the hard way.
So sorry to read this, Bonnie. I know how hard it must be for you not to be there and see for yourself that he is okay. Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery. They do mend quicker than us old folks!
I am so sorry, but thank God that was all that happened. Last year one of the "heart Moms" flipped hers and broke many vertebre in her back and other things, the docs all said it was a miracle she wasn't paralyzed. It stinks that his summer is ruined, hope he feels better soon. Lyn
Ross said:
I hate 3 and 4 wheelers. They are not safe in my opinion. Sorry he found out the hard way.

Amen Ross:eek: I hate to say that.... Am I sounding like my parents???? It seems like everytime I hear about ATV's someone has been hurt. They scare me.

Hope he will heal quickly and 100%!!!

Out here everyone has 4 wheel ATV's. (except us)
When they are used properly to get around the farms etc, no problem.
Otherwise, just to blast around on, they are dangerous!!!
Bonnie, I hope Kameron will be okay :)
I'm glad that he's not hurt any worse, but really hate that his summer activities will be so curtailed.
I hope that he heals quickly and is able to get around and navigate soon.
Hi Bon

So sorry to read about Kameron.....hopefully it may have taught him just how dangerous the atv's can be if not handled properly. You know kids, they just think they're immortal.........Don't worry. he'll be fine, and thank God there were no worse injuries.

Thank goodness he broke his leg and not his head or neck, Bonnie! I think you've had enough crummy news in your life lately! I hope this is the last of the bad news for you.

My friend's son broke his femur (along with the other ankle and a wrist) in a skiing accident (on a double black diamond at 10,000 feet :eek: ) when he was 14. He too had the pin (titanium rod, actually) in his femur. In the old days such an injury would have meant weeks (months?) in traction and time in a wheel chair. Yet another reason to be thankful for modern medicine! The friend's son is just fine, BTW.
Bonnie, I am so sorry to hear of Kameron's accident but glad to read that his head and neck are OK. There are two things that can make my skin crawl and one of them is ATVs. I've just seen too much damage to too many young people to be ambivalent about them. The other thing is those tree stands hunters put up in trees to wait for deer to show up. I think they are probably not statistically as dangerous but years ago I had a run of several young patients with severe spinal injuries from accidental falls. Be very very thankful that his head is alright since too often it is not. I'm sure you are since I know how much you love him.
Bonnie I'm sorry to hear about your grandson. I'm just thankful that it wasn't worse. You know I ride a 4-wheeler on our farm but I'm very careful. I know they can be very dangerous. My surgeon was riding his about two months ago in Tulsa, Ok and he turned it over on himself and now he is paralyzed from the waist down. He is only 40 years old and one of the best surgeons around. They air flighted him to the Oklahoma City Medical Center. They did say that he could move his finger a little but his operating days are probably over. Just makes me sick. We are still praying for a miracle.

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