Ok, This Time I Am Nervous....

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Best of luck, Harry. You've got my father's name so you can't go wrong- he was a great guy and you will do fine tomorrow!
Good Luck Harry

Good Luck Harry

Good luck Harry. Let us know how it went as soon as you can. I've not had one yet and as it is described, I'm not looking forward to it.
Helpful hint: I wish I'd taken a valium or some other tranquilizer before I had that procedure done. I'm very squeamish, and the procedure is truly creepy. No pain, just creeped me out.
Barry said:
Helpful hint: I wish I'd taken a valium or some other tranquilizer before I had that procedure done. I'm very squeamish, and the procedure is truly creepy. No pain, just creeped me out.

I agree! Take all the meds they offer during the procedure - makes it much more tolerable. I had to request a 2nd dose half way through. The worst part is waiting around afterwards (4 hours for me), and you can't lift your head off the bed. I was in this very busy room, and am a very nosey person, so keeping my head down was tough. I think they have some new procedures for closing the wound though, so I hope you can take advantage of that and leave earlier. You might already know - but you'll also notice your heart jumpin' around and beating oddly - all normal. :) Best wishes.
Ashley said:
I agree! Take all the meds they offer during the procedure - makes it much more tolerable....

They didn't offer me any tranquilizers, although I had told the doc that I was exceptionally squeamish. During the procedure I was having a very hard time, and the doc scolded me - to which I responded, "I told you so!"

Point being, unless you've already got some tranquilizers, you may have to be more assertive than I was to get some.
Thank You All Again For Your Wishes and Support

Thank You All Again For Your Wishes and Support

I have this funny feeling that they will be giving me some sort of tranquilizer and I will probably need one to get through this anyway if they find something and take care of it. Again, Thanks for the support, and I will see you guys after the proceedure. :D :D :eek: :eek: :D :D Harrybaby
Harry I have been reading your posts but I haven't been able to post. Everytime I tried my stupid computer would lock up on me. Two of my older grandchildren stayed with me for a couple of days and played on the computer. Well, guess what, now it's all messed up again.

I just wanted you to know that you are always in my prayers. I make a list of people that I want to pray for and you are at the top of the list. Good luck and let us know as soon as you find out anything.

God Bless!
Thank You Glenda...

Thank You Glenda...

Well, you know...a grandbaby's work is never done...LOL :D :D I bet they are adorable and really tire out their grammy and grampa. Thank you ever so much for your prayers and wishes, and I will let yall know as soon as I can about how this comes out.

By the way, how have you been feeling Glenda? Is everything in check? I am constantly wondering how your Leukemia is doing and praying that you are gonna get better! Sending Blessings your way and tons and tons of hugs to you and yours. I will talk with you as soon as I am able. Take Care, Stay Well, Harrybaby :D :D :D
Well as a matter of fact, I got one of my real extensive tests back from the doctors yesterday and my leukemia is on the rage again. It has laid dormant for so long that I was hoping it was all gone. No such luck! I knew my old body was trying to tell me things were just not right. I'm soooooo tired all the time and my joints, muscles and bones have been hurting so bad. But, this is just another bump in the road and as always I'll give it my best shot. I'm sure the doctor will have me double up on my chemo/cancer medicine "Gleevec" which I hate. One pill gives me so many side effects, you can imagine what two does.

Harry, thanks so much for asking. I appreciate your concern. You are a very special internet friend! !
Glenda said:
Well as a matter of fact, I got one of my real extensive tests back from the doctors yesterday and my leukemia is on the rage again. It has laid dormant for so long that I was hoping it was all gone. No such luck! I knew my old body was trying to tell me things were just not right. I'm soooooo tired all the time and my joints, muscles and bones have been hurting so bad. But, this is just another bump in the road and as always I'll give it my best shot. I'm sure the doctor will have me double up on my chemo/cancer medicine "Gleevec" which I hate. One pill gives me so many side effects, you can imagine what two does.

Harry, thanks so much for asking. I appreciate your concern. You are a very special internet friend! !

I don't want to hijack Harry's thread, so I'm starting a new one in a different forum.
Harrybaby666 said:
I have this funny feeling that they will be giving me some sort of tranquilizer and I will probably need one to get through this anyway if they find something and take care of it...

I started out with congestive heart failure due to a bum mitral valve. My attitude was this wasn't really much of a problem: There's something wrong with me, and they can fix it. If you gotta have a problem, that's the kind to have.

Anyway, I think the whole deal about the trauma of valve surgery is a bit overblown. I considered it to be mostly just an annoyance punctuated with boredom and pain - and I deal with the latter better than I do the former. In fact, of the whole process, it was the catheter that was the most difficult: I really don't handle revulsion well.
Oh My Heavens!!!

Oh My Heavens!!!

Glenda said:
Well as a matter of fact, I got one of my real extensive tests back from the doctors yesterday and my leukemia is on the rage again. It has laid dormant for so long that I was hoping it was all gone. No such luck! I knew my old body was trying to tell me things were just not right. I'm soooooo tired all the time and my joints, muscles and bones have been hurting so bad. But, this is just another bump in the road and as always I'll give it my best shot. I'm sure the doctor will have me double up on my chemo/cancer medicine "Gleevec" which I hate. One pill gives me so many side effects, you can imagine what two does.

Harry, thanks so much for asking. I appreciate your concern. You are a very special internet friend! !

Hi Glenda,
I am so sorry that this is happening to you, and please know that I will be praying hard that it goes away and you will be bubbling right along as you always do, and I know what you mean about the joints muscles and bones, as I have chronic osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal cord canal) and the pain gets so bad for me that I just want to cry, so I completely understand. I hope that they can nail these things down for you and you don't have anymore pain. God's Best Blessings to you and yours, and for heaven's sake, don't let your grandchildren wear you out too much! Sending you tons and tons of hugs. :D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby
Hi Gang!! Everything Went VERY Well!!!

Hi Gang!! Everything Went VERY Well!!!

I just got back from Maine Medical Center in Portland and the Cardiac Cath went extremely well. Even though I still have Congestive Heart Failure, they found NO Clogged arteries, which means my chemical stress test came up a "false positive" The people there were VERY Nice and VERY Friendly and it made the experience alot easier to take. At one point when Dr. Cutler injected this dye into me that warmed my whole body, I told them I felt like I was back in the Carribean, and that If they wanted to send me I could use another trip to Aruba :p :D :p :D They laughed, and I just cant believe that things went so well. Just wanted to let you all know that things went well and I am so relieved!!! Thanks again for all the support! :D :D :D :D Harrybaby666
Too many sick people & too many syptoms & too many tests and too many drugs (which, in my youth, I thought were good) and too many valves, but reading your last post was very nice. At my house, we say, "mazel tov." Nice to hear it went well and the results were good.


Harrybaby666 said:
I just got back from Maine Medical Center in Portland and the Cardiac Cath went extremely well. Even though I still have Congestive Heart Failure, they found NO Clogged arteries, which means my chemical stress test came up a "false positive" The people there were VERY Nice and VERY Friendly and it made the experience alot easier to take. At one point when Dr. Cutler injected this dye into me that warmed my whole body, I told them I felt like I was back in the Carribean, and that If they wanted to send me I could use another trip to Aruba :p :D :p :D They laughed, and I just cant believe that things went so well. Just wanted to let you all know that things went well and I am so relieved!!! Thanks again for all the support! :D :D :D :D Harrybaby666
Glad things went so smoothly for your! And that's our Harrybaby! Humor in the face of fear!
You should have heard the nurses and I talk about....

You should have heard the nurses and I talk about....

Karlynn said:
Glad things went so smoothly for your! And that's our Harrybaby! Humor in the face of fear!

Marijuana Brownies and Cookies..LOL Somehow the two nurses that wheeled me down to the proceedure room got on the topic of street drugs after they saw my meds list, and they were telling me about how they had tried it and how many times, and I thought I would die laughing because a student here in NH got busted for baking Marijuana brownies and cookies, and for these ladies to tell me that they tried it and liked it..well I just about died laughing because they are around my mom's age (61)...I suppose they could have said for "medicinal purposes" but they offered no excuse..LOL
:eek: :eek: :p :p :D :D :eek: :eek: Harrybaby :D
New Vocabulary...LOL

New Vocabulary...LOL

INRtest said:
At my house, we say, "mazel tov." Nice to hear it went well and the results were good.


Doesn't Mazel Tov mean Congratulations in Hebrew? If that's what it means, well Thank You very much. (Don't mind me, I am always fascinated at meeting new people, and their cultures.) Harrybaby :D :D :D
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I'm so glad...................

I'm so glad...................

YIPPEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad to hear that you got some good results............see good things to happen to those who wait! I know this doesn't begin to solve all of your woes, but I am so glad that you got some good news for a change. Many hugs. Janet
I'm glad to see your post Harry. I kept wondering what was going on all day yesterday. I guess I went to bed too early last night to catch your update.

Anyway--Great Going!

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