OK, I'm a Wimp...

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WHEW Stretch !

Brought a tear to my eye...

But I think my experience with a Kidney Stone tops it. :eek:

The nurse who administered Dilaudid became my Best Friend for life! :)

NOW, who's going to write the sequel,
you know, Foley on Coumadin! ??? :D

OH, by the way, it sounds like someone forgot to tell you to take 3 Deep Breaths. Worked for me. :D

'AL Capshaw'
sue943 said:
Sheila2old, is that wise to put off the that type of surgery until after your OHS? You are going to be on warfarin and messing about with such potentially 'bloody' surgery afterwards isn't going to be a piece of cake. In your shoes I would have it done prior to OHS.

Actually, my hemorrhoid surgeon said he took out a couple that weren't even that bad, anticipating that I would be on warfarin after my OHS. (He didn't know I was doing the Ross...)

So, Sheila, I'd get anything done now that you can get done now.
StretchL said:
So, Sheila, I'd get anything done now that you can get done now.

It's always a good idea to get any medical or dental procedures done prior to your VR.

It's not something you rejoice at doing, but if you are having problems that you are pretty sure will need to be addressed at some point in time, do it now.
I dunno. There could be a little-known relationship between the heart and the nether end of the alimentary tract. I had an MRA (cardiac MRI) report, apparently transcribed from a New York doctor's voice tapes, that referred to them finding "a prostatic valve" during the testing. As I don't recall a rectal portion of that particular procedure, I still have unsettling concerns about my posterior virtue, and what may have been in those marker dye injections...

The Foley catheter I had in place from the surgery wasn't painful, even when being removed, but it's inhuman to insert a catheter into a conscious male. And I know what you mean about that first micturation afterwards. It's as close as I ever want to come to The Clap: grabbing the towel rack and clenching my teeth as harsh, gutteral noises came unbidden from somewhere deep in my throat. Visitors in nearby rooms were certain that someone transformed into a werewolf in the hospital bathroom that evening.

After reading your post, I have vowed to never develop hemmorhoids, and have taken to chewing on the maple tree in the side yard in the mornings, to ensure I have enough fiber for the day. Thank you for warning me from this dangerous path.

Best wishes,
Hmmmm..........inquiring minds want to know.......

Hmmmm..........inquiring minds want to know.......

tobagotwo said:
I dunno. There could be a little-known relationship between the heart and the nether end of the alimentary tract. I had an MRA (cardiac MRI) report, apparently transcribed from a New York doctor's voice tapes, that referred to them finding "a prostatic valve" during the testing. ,

So, Bob, (BTW, what are you doing on here so late?) are you sure that you really had your aortic valve replaced? sounds like they may have stuck it somewhere else! Maybe, that A in AVR really stands for something else..........heehee! I mean, you were out during the procedure, I assume? :D That or maybe that valve's just decided to wander off on its own accord to the nether regions to do a little sightseeing................;)

And, Stretch, I know the females aren't too sympathetic. Sorry. But try giving birth naturally without any meds or an epidural TWICE, and we'll talk. I didn't intend to go drug-free, but it's a long story. Just suffice it to say that one should not go into serious labor during the 7 AM shift change (like one really has a say in these matters). I told my ex, "Either my water has broken or I've just pi**ed all over myself. Go find someone NOW." It was not very reassuring when he walked back in with a custodian wielding a mop..................With Katie, well, I was still signing paperwork. Got to the hospital at 8:40 and had her at 9:30................Don got in from Fort Wolters around 10............still fuming about that one...........grrr!

Anyway, Stretch, I could be wrong, but I do think you will see that cath again come Ross time. If you talk to 'em real sweet, they might knock you out first. :D ;) J.


Stretch I know what you mean. When I was hospitalised for my rescheduled AVR 2 weeks later I had gone into class IV heart failure and gained 11 kg about 24lb. The cardio and surgeon said no surgery for you this week we have to get all that fluid off quick. The cardio who is in charge of all specialists at the hospital then directs an intern to get IV Lasik into him and a catheter. With the mention of catheter I was now dreading what was to come. I few minutes later the female intern returns with the catheter and the necessary tools, latex gloves and antiseptic wash. As she snapped on the latex gloves and opened the bag containing the catheter and I caught sight of it, I was thinking your going to force that thing where!!! :eek: My initial concerns were certainly not misplaced; this is something no man should have to endure conscious. :( It was only in for about 36 hours and they managed to get off 6kg of fluid, it certainly works. I must say getting if out is much easier than getting it installed, getting the one out a week later after surgery was also not that bad, at least that was installed while I was in surgery. I must say I never had a great deal of discomfort afterwards. :)
My dear Joe got up one morning, couldn't pee. Off we go to ER and the ER nurse inserted the catheter and Immediately Joe's painful expression collapsed into relief. He kissed that lady and told her he would love her forever. He was due for surgery in a couple days after that so they left the catheter in. He got tired of the catheter the day after it was put in and wanted it out - and wanted ME to take it out. Well, nada!!! So he went to the shower and tried to get it out himself. Nope, wouldn't come out, but it began to leak. Next morning, he was still leaking. I told him to put a clothes pin on it (the tube). He did! He took himself off to the hospital (with towels) - it was a long drive - 4 hrs. When he got there he was in big trouble - the clothespin didn't work. An attendant spotted him and asked 'Are you having a problem?'. Well, uh, yeah. They put him in a gown!

Sorry, Stretch. In your case, after the first very painful attempt, they should have knocked you right out.
gijanet said:
:D That or maybe that valve's just decided to wander off on its own accord to the nether regions to do a little sightseeing................;)

Leave it to Janet to come up with an AWOL valve theory!:p
So whaddya think Janet?
The valve heard there was better action down south so decided to go on a road trip to check it out?;) ;) ;)
I think you BOTH need to get some sleep!:p :p :D :D
Mary said:
My AVR was icky but not nearly as painful as giving birth vaginally (x3), having C-sections (x2), having a hernia repair, or having sinus surgery.
It's strange but true; open heart surgery is much less painful than ordinary, run-of-the-mill type surgeries.

But everyone reacts differently. For example me, the morphine did ZERO good for me. I was in more pain than I ever thought possible. Honestly, the only sleep I got the night after the OHS was from passing out from the pain. They finally gave me something that took the edge off, but only the edge. My problem with the pain meds continued after going home. I took myself off of the pain meds in less than one week post op.
Granted, I have never given birth (thank God) nor do I want to :) But it can't be near as bad as what I felt that night after the OHS. And I have a very high pain threshold.

Stretch, BTW they had me out like a light when they put the cath in for my RP
Bob, AVR= A** Valve replacement. What exactly was that doc looking for to see the "prostatic" valve. And what exactly is a "prostatic" valve? lol:eek:
This is an example of why some of us have the philosophy of doing what you can do avoid reops. you never know.

also, for me ohs was quite painful.
Mary said:
My first labor lasted 52 hours. I was praying for a Mack truck to hit me about 30 hours into it.:p :p :D :D

WOW!!! :eek: I guess a Mack truck would sound like an appealing option - or maybe a Mack truck running over your husband ;)

Don't slap me - but my longest labor (in four) was about 5 hours!!:p I was so lucky!!
Bad new stretch, you're going to get another one. Only this time you wont feel it going in, because you will be sedated. I barely felt mine coming out. Good luck.
I visited a proctologist one year (almost to the day) before my heart surgery. After the exam he said, "The good news is that hemorrhoids don't hurt that bad." I had a different problem in the same location.
I found two occasions of unbearable pain in the heart surgery. The first was the first time they had me sit up after surgery, and the second was removing the catheter.
I agree fully with Karlynn's post about DRUGS. Find a good drug that works, and take it before the painful parts. I never met a painkiller I didn't like...
JimL said:
I never met a painkiller I didn't like...


How about that for "quote of the day"? ;)

Seriously, tho, Stretch ... holy crapola. I can't even begin to imagine such an ordeal, tho, as others have noted, your writing of it is very vivid ... and I could just picture all of that as it happened.


I know you're a photographer, but do you write as well?

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"I can't stay on your morfeine, cause it's making me itch" ... Pink ... 'Just Like A Pill'
My next door neighbor had Prostate Surgery..came home with a Cath for a week. Wife told me, she was to take it out..before their doctor appointment...Hubby visited a few days after he returned home and said neighbor was hurting........Saw him a few days ago, he had just taken his first bike ride in 6 weeks. Felt great....BTW..what is a hemmorhoidectomy?Bonnie
StretchL said:
Honestly, this recent day surgery had be rethinking my decision on the Ross, due to possible re-ops!

I'm sure it might have you rethinking. But go with what your gut instinct tells you. You may come out of it saying "I'll have OHS again before I have to be awake for another catheter insertion."
JimL said:
I never met a painkiller I didn't like...

Unfortunately I have...codeine:mad: But I LOOOOOVVVEEEDDDD the morphine I got in CICU. :D After that, on the step down floor, I was just on Ex. Str. Tyelnol. It's been almost 15 years, but I don't remember being in horrible pain on just the Tylenol. The nurses got sick of me begging for the morphine tho'!:D

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