Hmmmm..........inquiring minds want to know.......
Hmmmm..........inquiring minds want to know.......
tobagotwo said:
I dunno. There could be a little-known relationship between the heart and the nether end of the alimentary tract. I had an MRA (cardiac MRI) report, apparently transcribed from a New York doctor's voice tapes, that referred to them finding "a prostatic valve" during the testing. ,
So, Bob, (BTW, what are you doing on here so late?) are you sure that you really had your aortic valve replaced? sounds like they may have stuck it somewhere else! Maybe, that A in AVR really stands for something else..........heehee! I mean, you were
out during the procedure, I assume?

That or maybe that valve's just decided to wander off on its own accord to the nether regions to do a little sightseeing................
And, Stretch, I know the females aren't too sympathetic. Sorry. But try giving birth naturally without any meds or an epidural TWICE, and we'll talk. I didn't intend to go drug-free, but it's a long story. Just suffice it to say that one should not go into serious labor during the 7 AM shift change (like one really has a say in these matters). I told my ex, "Either my water has broken or I've just pi**ed all over myself. Go find someone NOW." It was not very reassuring when he walked back in with a custodian wielding a mop..................With Katie, well, I was still signing paperwork. Got to the hospital at 8:40 and had her at 9:30................Don got in from Fort Wolters around 10............still fuming about that one...........grrr!
Anyway, Stretch, I could be wrong, but I do think you will see that cath again come Ross time. If you talk to 'em real sweet, they might knock you out first.
