oh no !

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2012
Cheshire, UK
I am due to go in for my surgery on the 5th January, and can you believe it I am having dental problems, I have had toothache all day which isn't relieved by pain killers.
I will go to see my dentist in the morning, but I have a feeling it may be an abscess.
I am devastated as I know they will not perform my AVR whilst I am having dental treatment. Just to allow myself a moment of self pity, THIS IS NOT FAIR !!!!!!!! I so wanted this surgery.
its fine where you posted. Sorry to hear about your tooth, but I guess in the plus side, it happened now and not next week. Often people have to get dental clearance before surgery, so even if you end up postponing, at least you will know there aren any problems with your teeth afer his ges taken care of. It stinks tho, having plans made and being ready. IF it helps, I believe you will have surgery when you are "supposed" to have it, at least that is always what I told me when Justin's surgeries were postponed for one reason or another.
I got my dental checkup and found out I needed three fillings replaced. However...she then discovered that one of the teeth was actually dead (weird, cause there were no symptoms), so I had to schedule a root canal. After that was done, the dentist then discovered that a second one was dead, so back for a second root canal. Then I had to get the crowns fitted and ordered. The dentist finally was able to clear me just three days before the surgery. That was an unexpected wrinkle in my plans.

Given my out-of-pocket maximum for medical procedures, I ended up paying more for my mouth than I did for my heart. :)
Managed to see the dentist this morning, it wasn't my usual guy, but one of the partners, as I walked in to the treatment room I saw the dentist with his head in his hands and he stated that he wasn't feeling too good " a little bit of flu" I informed him that I would prefer to risk the tooth then be exposed to his virus! He then masked up put his gloves on and told me that I wasn't at risk !!!!!!!! He checked my tooth and said there was no apparent signs of infection, he feels that due to my current stress that I have been grinding in my sleep and as the tooth had a large filling in it , and the grinding had very slightly allowed the filling to move, I asked if he could x ray to confirm that no infection was present but he said he didn't need to and he can assure me that it will settle down. So I am currently popping paracetamol and useing mouth wash. So hopefully I will be feeling better in a couple of days, fingers crossed.
Deb x
I got my dental checkup and found out I needed three fillings replaced. However...she then discovered that one of the teeth was actually dead (weird, cause there were no symptoms), so I had to schedule a root canal. After that was done, the dentist then discovered that a second one was dead, so back for a second root canal. Then I had to get the crowns fitted and ordered. The dentist finally was able to clear me just three days before the surgery. That was an unexpected wrinkle in my plans.

Given my out-of-pocket maximum for medical procedures, I ended up paying more for my mouth than I did for my heart. :)

Hopefully mine will settle, but will go back on Thursday if not, I have a dental plan which I pay monthly for so cost isn't an issue
Deb - once I had excruciating toothache and thought there must be some very bad problem. I got an emergency dental appointment and the dentist straightaway spotted a sesame seed that had got stuck next to the gum ! Once removed the pain went away. Since then if I suddenly get toothache I have always found that it is some gum problem rather than tooth problem.

I have an NHS dentist - I feel so lucky as he's brilliant, he's Swedish ! I generally get a 'private' clean from him twice a year with a special ultrasonic machine which is painless and costs £80 a clean, but that's all I ever need as he includes x-rays and the check up in that cost.

I'm glad the dentist said your problem is something that will not stop your surgery - you are my surgery mate :cool: